Burned to the Ground

In their quest to turn America into a communist cesspool, the Commiecrats have burned this country all the way down to the ground using lawfare to go after President Trump knowing that they can’t defeat him at the polls with their divisive identity politics, and in the process, they have shredded the Constitution and destroyed the rule of law as they persecute their political enemies in the style of third-world banana republic totalitarian dictatorships.

Words do not exist that accurately portray the egregious abuse of the American legal system perpetrated by the Commiecrats to tap into their inner Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) by destroying the rule of law to persecute President Trump and interfere in the 2024 presidential election. Manhattan prosecutor Alvin Bragg, funded by George Soros, manufactured out of whole cloth a felony, which is as yet undefined, to transform at most a few misdemeanors into a felony to avoid the expiration of the statute of limitations on the misdemeanors without specifying the underlying felony crime upon which he based the misdemeanors. Bragg’s predecessor refused to prosecute this case because he could not identify a crime. The Justice Department refused to prosecute this case because they could not find a crime. Yet Soros-funded prosecutor Alvin Bragg somehow managed to manufacture a felony out of the nothing that everyone else examined and concluded was nothing.

Alvin Bragg is a corrupt Commiecrat prosecutor funded by America-hating elitist George Soros who has channeled his wealth into destroying America to pave the way for globalism. As such, Bragg is literally funded to go after President Trump as the obstacle that stands in the path of the globalists intent on consolidating their power and enslaving the entire planet. The man pulling the strings behind this entire charade of Kabuki Theater is none other than Barack Obama who carefully advanced the globalist Commiecrat agenda in micro steps as president to protect his legacy, but who is now using the senile old pedophile Popsicle whom he is propping up as the face of his agenda to truly destroy America as fast as he can. Popsicle doesn’t care because he’s senile and because he’s always longed to be president.

Corrupt Judge Juan Merchan has also sold his soul to Satan for fame and fortune to claim the mantle of being the one who presided over the trial that resulted in a felony conviction for President Trump. Merchan’s daughter Loren Merchan is the owner of political consulting firm Authentic Campaigns which is employed exclusively by Commiecrat politicians such as Adam Schiff and Cackling Chlamydia as clients and who has made over $10 million dollars since her father was assigned Trump’s case. Both the judge and his daughter suffer from intense cases of TDS and have managed to position themselves to both exercise their hatred of President Trump and enrich themselves in the process.

Bragg brought a case on the flimsiest of evidence no one else would touch with a ten foot pole based on an unnamed charge manufactured to avoid the expired statute of limitations on misdemeanors than no prosecutor would waste their time on in the first place. He called as witnesses an adult entertainer who has already admitted that the alleged encounter between herself and President Trump was fabricated from the start and never happened along with a sleazy attorney who is a serial liar and convicted perjurer out to get President Trump.

Judge Merchan provided over fifty pages of jury instructions identifying three possible felony crimes and advising the jury that they did not have to agree on a single felony crime upon which to base their decision. Merchan’s instructions were literally a road map to assist jurors in finding President Trump guilty of anything, period. Given the multiple abuses of the law involved in this case by the corrupt judge and prosecutor, it is no wonder that the Trump-hating jury found President Trump guilty on all 34 counts.

The rule of law is absolutely dead in America, and the Constitution is shredded beyond repair. Minorities who have long complained that a two-tiered justice system existed in America are vindicated. Young black men are proudly wearing t-shirts adorned with President Trump’s mugshot because he is now one of them. President Trump has street cred in the hood. It’s not just minorities but all Americans who realize that if the Commiecrats can abuse the law with such blatant egregiousness to convict President Trump, then they can certainly use it against these same Americans if they get crossways with the Commiecrats.

The Commiecrat effort to bring down President Trump by holding a show trial and convicting him on spurious charges has not worked out quite the way they intended. In the 24 hours after President Trump’s “conviction” on these manufactured charges, the website hired to process his donations was inundated with Americans seeking to donate to his presidential campaign to the point it crashed several times. When the dust finally settled, President Trump’s campaign raised over $53 million dollars setting a campaign fundraising record. President’s Trump’s polling numbers are rising dramatically as Americans have awakened to the threat to freedom these Commiecrats represent.

Popsicle’s handlers’ plan to campaign on the theme that President Trump is a convicted felon has backfired so spectacularly that it drags down their polling numbers while simultaneously boosting President Trump’s numbers. Popsicle and his power mad wife are too stupid to realize that they have been hung out to dry by Obama as they take on the blame for destroying the country while Obama comes out looking relatively statesmanlike for his restraint while in office.

America is in serious decline due to Obama’s globalist push to advance the Commiecrat agenda of globalism. Obama and his minions have destroyed the rule of law to the point that no American feels they can get justice through our legal system. The wealthy elite use America’s laws against the poor while avoiding being held responsible for any crimes they commit while they do as they please. As America weakens, the Chinese are poised to retake Taiwan by force and subjugate it just as they broke their promise to Great Britain to keep their hands off Hong Kong prior to the 1997 handover only to subjugate it at the first possible opportunity.

America is repeating the actions that led to the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. Corruption of public officials is rampant, and the general population ignores the laws as they are distracted by the same formula of bread and circuses that kept Roman citizens complacent in the face of destruction. Like Rome, America is being destroyed from within as it slowly inches toward the point at which it cannot resist collapsing in upon itself. America’s enemies are becoming emboldened to the point at which their contempt overcomes their fear of an adversary that is but a shell of its former self.

The Commiecrats have burned America all the way down to the ground to remove President Trump as the obstacle to their globalist ambitions without even realizing that the same lawfare used against President Trump can just as easily be used against them. When former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid exercised the nuclear option of removing the requirement for cloture on judicial nominees to pack the federal bench under Obama, Senate Republicans warned that the Commiecrats would rue the day they placed expediency over Senate tradition. That day came when Donald Trump was elected in 2016 and went to work packing the federal courts with as many conservative judges as he could culminating in the appointment of three conservative justices to the Supreme Court.

One of those judges appointed by President Trump to the federal bench is Aileen Cannon who is currently presiding over the Commiecrat lawfare attempt in Florida to railroad President Trump into prison over a document dispute with the National Archives. Judge Cannon has forced crooked Justice Department special council Jack Smith to release numerous un-redacted documents that confirm Smith’s attempts to hide his unethical and illegal behavior. One example of Smith’s illegal behavior was forcing President Trump’s attorney to violate attorney-client privilege by having him testify against Trump to a Grand Jury. Judge Cannon has quashed multiple attempts by Smith to violate President Trump’s constitutional right to free speech through flimsy gag orders.

The stench of the lawfare attempts to sideline President Trump from the campaign trail has wafted up the nostrils of the American people, and they are recoiling in disgust. President Trump has overtaken Popsicle in swing states as his polling continues to rise dramatically. Americans from all walks of life are rallying to his cause and donating their hard earned money to his campaign in record numbers.

Merchan’s quest to secure a conviction against President Trump was to enable the fake news media smear merchants to begin referring to him as “convicted felon Trump” at every opportunity. What they don’t realize is that constantly reminding Americans that President Trump is a “convicted felon” also reminds us exactly why we are voting for Trump and energizes our motivation to do so. The Commiecrats got their fraudulent conviction, but it is not having the effect they intended. All they’ve done is secure President Trump’s win this November.

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