Political Prisoners

The Founding Fathers explicitly designed America around maximizing personal liberty with certain protections enshrined in our foundational documents to ensure that all Americans were imbued with an attitude that they could freely speak their minds without any fear of government persecution, but the Commiecrats are erasing those protections and jailing their opponents to create the idea that Americans must self-sensor or risk becoming political prisoners.

The defining feature of totalitarian dictatorships is their penchant for jailing political opponents to keep up the charade that all is well in the face of overwhelming disaster. Third-world banana republics, communist countries, and countries under one-party rule are all totalitarian dictatorships that end up creating political prisoners out of their opponents. Throughout most of its history, America has stood in stark contrast to these autocratic regimes through its constitutional First Amendment protection of free speech and the traditions that protection has created allowing Americans to freely express their opposition to government policies and the elected officials through whom those policies become law without fear of persecution from that government and its officials.

The 2008 election of Barack Obama as president was a colossal mistake that continues to plague this country. Despite a carefully constructed façade casting him as a Christian intent on the betterment of Americans who were marginalized, Obama was and is actually a Muslim radical who spent his every waking moment over two terms working to radicalize America and destroy the common themes that bind us together as Americans. Obama was a community organizer radicalized by Saul Alinsky and other radical communists whose only goal was the subversion and destruction of America. Once in power, Obama worked to exacerbate racial animosity and rub racial grievances raw in true Alinsky form through tactics straight out of Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals guidebook on subversive community organizing. Obama remained above the fray while his minions and acolytes performed the dirty work of subversion behind the scenes, and he continues to do so today.

In 2016, Donald Trump managed to upset Obama’s plans for a third shadow term as president by defeating Crooked Hillary Clinton. Trump set about Making America Great Again by unleashing energy production, lowing taxes, ushering in an economic boom, restoring American dominance in foreign policy, closing the border to illegal aliens, breaking the Chinese through tariffs, and generally putting the lie to Commiecrat themes that all hope is lost and America must accept that she is in decline. America saw President Trump reinvigorate the country despite having heard Obama state that we had to accept the reality that America was a country in decline and that we must get used to that fact.

In 2020, the Commiecrats undertook a massive effort to steal the election for the senile old pedophile Popsicle and his diversity hire running mate, the clueless Cackling Chlamydia. They did this through multiple election fraud efforts that they then covered up through fake news media smear merchant intimidation and a corrupt judicial system that refused to consider the mountains of evidence pointing to this fraud. Once Popsicle was illegally installed in the White House, he began a massive effort to undo President Trump’s accomplishments beginning on Day One with a stack of Executive Orders. He has continued the destruction of America with Obama secretly pulling the strings in the background throughout his term to the detriment of American families that are struggling to cope with the economic destruction and massive inflation Obama has unleashed on the economy. Americans know all too well that they were much better off under President Trump and recognize the economic destruction Popsicle, and Obama, have unleashed to their detriment.

One of the more insidious aspects of Obama’s plan to sow chaos and destruction throughout American society to advance the subversive communist agenda has been that of weaponizing the rule of law against conservatives in general and political opponents in particular. In his first term, Obama used the IRS to go after conservative groups to deny them 501(c) (3) filing status as tax-exempt nonprofit organization to keep them sidelined during his 2012 reelection effort. This hampered the ability of TEA Party organizations to organize and seek donations to effectively challenge Obama’s reelection effort.

These first efforts to weaponize the government against conservatives morphed into an effort to manipulate election laws for the 2016 election to benefit Crooked Hillary along with their weaponization of the Deep State to fabricate claims against Donald Trump as smears meant to negatively impact his campaign. Trump ended up winning due to the fact that Crooked Hillary was hated by Americans and the Commiecrats underestimated the amount of election fraud required to install her in the White House.

President Trump rolled back significant portions of Obama’s agenda to the infuriation of Obama and his Commiecrat cohorts despite the fact that many of them were embedded within the government and worked furiously to impede Trump’s agenda as much as possible. Their efforts perpetrated the Russian Hoax that resulted in an expensive Special Counsel investigation whose operatives, all suffering from massive cases of TDS, ultimately found no collusion whatsoever. Then, the Deep State planted Army Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman within Trump’s inner circle to set him up in the Ukraine Hoax that resulted in an impeachment charge and ultimate acquittal in the Senate. Finally, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi orchestrated the January 6 setup that framed Trump supporters with charges of committing a fake revolt so the media could claim Trump was part of an insurrection. This was the basis of their second impeachment as Trump was leaving office that also resulted in an acquittal.

With the 2020 election stolen through massive election fraud perpetrated under the Scamdemic drop boxes, mail-in ballots, and rigged electronic voting machines, the senile old pedophile Popsicle was installed in office to cover up the election fraud and work towards the next election. Given the level of election fraud in the 2020 and 2022 elections, many state legislatures tightened up their election laws to prevent the fraud that cast their states in such a bad light. This cut off some of the ability of the Commiecrats to rely on these avenues of election fraud and forced them to turn to other methods.

In their quest to get Trump at all costs, the Commiecrats have weaponized the rule of law to wage a campaign of lawfare against him. Their strategy is to tie Trump up in court to remove him from the campaign trail, inundate him with spurious charges that force him to expend finite financial resources, and hope that their efforts ultimately result in a felony conviction that potentially removes his ability to run for office. Once again, Trump turned the tables on the Commiecrats by focusing his campaign in deep blue New York City where he was confined by corrupt Judge Merchan. Trump was rewarded by massive turnouts of minorities tired of being shafted by the Commiecrats and revealing that deep blue states are in play this election.

Americans were fairly nonchalant as Trump was being indicted on flimsy charges in various jurisdictions as they preferred to take a wait and see attitude. As time has worn on, Americans have come to understand that these charges have been predicated on the flimsiest of evidence by corrupt Soros-funded prosecutors in their efforts to get Trump through lawfare. Americans have also watched these cases blow up one by one through Commiecrat malfeasance. Trump’s unsurprising conviction on an unspecified felony charge underlying misdemeanor bookkeeping errors whose statutes of limitations had long expired finally brought reality home to Americans.

Americans watched Trump being railroaded into a conviction by a corrupt judicial system just as many of them have been. Suddenly, Trump’s felony conviction gave him street cred in the hood and his support among minorities has shot through the roof. Along with minority support, Americans at all levels realized that the weaponization of the legal system being used against Trump could also be used against them if they got sideways with the Commiecrats. Americans realize that the Commiecrats have turned America into a third-world banana republic and destroyed the rule of law in the process.

Hunter Biden can smoke crack, sell political influence, sleep with hookers, illegally buy a gun, and evade his taxes and nothing happens to him despite the mountain of evidence found on his laptop documenting his crimes. Meanwhile, President Trump is railroaded into a felony conviction on the flimsiest of charges. Eric Holder was held in contempt of Congress and nothing happened to him, while Peter Navarro sits in prison and Steve Bannon is headed to prison for the same thing by refusing to appear before the sham J6 House committee. The difference in all these cases is that one group consists of Commiecrats protected by the Deep State, a corrupt judicial system, and the fake news media smear merchants, and the other group consists of conservatives.

There is no doubt that President Trump, Peter Navarro, Steve Bannon, Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s attorneys John Eastman, Jenna Ellis, and Kenneth Chesebro, and many others, are political prisoners due to the successful efforts of Obama and the Commiecrats to weaponize the judicial system against their political opponents. They have suffered irreparable harm to their lives, their reputations, their businesses, and their freedom because the Commiecrats are willing to destroy the rule of law in their quest to gain and hold power. Americans realize that if the Commiecrats are not stopped, then we all will eventually become political prisoners as we oppose their totalitarianism infringing upon our liberty.

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