Bodega Blues

The Commiecrats are singing the Bodega Blues after President Trump humiliated corrupt Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg by visiting the Harlem bodega where clerk Jose Alba defended himself against an attacker only to be charged with murder by Bragg in an epic campaign stop where he was greeted by enthusiastic cheers from residents fed up with out-of-control crime resulting from Bragg’s communist policies.

Corrupt Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan, whose daughter Loren is president of Authentic Campaigns, a Chicago-based progressive political consulting firm, and who refuses to recuse himself despite his clear bias and shady Commiecrat connections, thought he would keep Trump off the campaign trail by forcing him to attend Bragg’s lawfare trial on spurious charges that he paid hush money to adult actress Stormy Daniels. Bless their hearts, the Commiecrats just don’t understand the force they are reckoning with in President Trump. Bragg’s charges are so thin they’re practically invisible, and Merchan’s refusal to recuse himself speaks volumes to his intentions of seizing the moment to bask in Commiecrat glory.

Soros puppets Merchan and Bragg figured they’d tie Trump down in their episode of the get Trump lawfare series while not realizing they were confining Trump to the largest media presence in the country with ample backdrops to highlight Commiecrat governance failures. Trump is the oxygen upon which the failing fake news media smear merchants depend to remain relevant in a country whose people have tuned them out in favor of factual news on the internet. Trump masterfully seized this new opportunity granted him by his Commiecrat persecutors to visit the Harlem bodega made famous by Bragg for his attempt to go full Soros by arresting clerk Jose Alba for successfully defending himself against ex-con Austin Simon. Simon attacked Alba in a dispute over a dollar bag of chips whereupon Alba stabbed Simon to death in the melee.

Bragg then charged Alba with murder and was fully prepared to convict Alba before an intense public outcry forced Bragg to drop the charges. Trump’s appearance at the very same bodega highlights Bragg’s corruption as a Soros puppet and reminds the public that he is suffering the same corrupt Soros treatment from Bragg as that suffered by Jose Alba. Crime has exploded in the aftermath of the soft-on-crime policies of corrupt Soros prosecutors who release hardened criminals to prey upon residents while denying those residents the opportunity to defend themselves. Trump is preparing to highlight this explosion in crime while reminding New Yorkers that corrupt officials such as Bragg, Merchan, New York Mayor Eric Adams, New York Attorney General Leticia James, and New York Governor Kathy Hochul are responsible for this explosion in crime and declaring his intention to change the situation.

To the astonishment of the Commiecrats who once again mistakenly thought they “had him,” Trump was greeted warmly and enthusiastically by a crowd of locals chanting four more years as they cheered him on. New Yorkers are sick of the crime and the illegal aliens Commiecrat politicians are falling all over to support with freebies while ignoring their plight. Thanks to the massive New York media presence, Trump’s every move is captured for national consumption, meaning that Trump’s visit highlighting the chaos and destruction the Commiecrats are sowing along with the enthusiastic outpouring of love towards him by minorities is being seen not just by the locals, but by everyone in America. This puts the lie to Commiecrat propaganda that minority voters are solidly behind Popsicle, and encourages minorities across the country that they aren’t alone in wanting to see Trump returned to the White House. With his bodega visit highlighting the increased crime bodega owners are suffering, Trump managed to pick up the endorsement of Francisco Marte, founder and president of New York’s Bodega and Small Business Association. Even liberal rag Politico is acknowledging that Trump has turned Commiecrat lemons into conservative lemonade.

Trump is campaigning on the fact that Popsicle and his puppet master Obama have screwed America into the ground, and no other place in the country, save perhaps San Francisco, highlights that fact better than New York City. Trump is free to roam as he pleases each evening after the trial, and he’s been placed into the perfect microcosm of Commiecrat destruction. Trump can conduct his entire campaign from New York City with ample locations to make his point that the Commiecrats are destroying the country. The Commiecrats might have been more successful at neutering Trump’s ability to campaign if they had confined him to a well-run city such as Fort Worth, Texas or Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, but those cities are run by Republicans. It would have failed anyway as Trump would have then had the opportunity to highlight well-run cities under Republican control.

Always the copycat, Popsicle’s handlers attempted to upstage Trump’s bodega visit by staging an impromptu visit to a Sheetz station by Popsicle to ostensibly mix with common folks and bask in their love. Predictably, it failed miserably just like every other attempt to have Popsicle connect with common people. Popsicle lacks the charisma, energy, and popularity of President Trump, and his record of economic destruction reminds Americans just how bad off they are under him. The best thing Obama’s people could do is to put Popsicle back in the basement and hope voters forget who he is before the election.

Blacks, Hispanics, and other minorities are turning to Trump in droves as they realize they are being kept on the Commiecrat plantation and how much better off they were when Trump was president. Blacks in Chicago are mad as hell as they come after Mayor Brandon Johnson and the city council for bankrupting the city by showering freebies on illegal aliens while ignoring the problems of their communities. Hispanics who played by the rules to enter America legally are sick of seeing illegal aliens being ushered across the border to drive down their wages as they realize the globalist are only interested in cheap wages and slave labor. Minorities are realizing just how much better off they had it under President Trump.

The Commiecrats are singing the Bodega Blues as President Trump once again masterfully turns the tables on them and their short-sighted attempts to get him. They are the Wile E. Coyote to Trump’s Road Runner nefariously rubbing their hands together contemplating the brilliance of their latest diabolical plan only to end up having it backfire in their faces. Anyone else would have learned by now not to mess with President Trump, but if they had any sense, they wouldn’t be Commiecrats in the first place.

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