They Lied

After years of watching President Trump and others expose the fake news media smear merchants, we really don’t need to be reminded that they lied to us about anything.

Last week, I called out the conservative poseurs who are constantly urging us to “do something” with the implication that the something should be resorting to violence like those on the left so we conservative rubes will finally start fitting the narrative. While many of these articles are written by those seeking to garner clicks and make a name for themselves to boost their ad revenue, I suspect many are also lefty plants attempting to amp up the hatred to the boiling point in the hopes that some conservative snaps like their lefty fellow traveler trannies. Conservatives are used to thinking with their brains instead of wearing their emotions on their sleeves, and we all realize we’d be shot down and sacrificed on the altar of fake news media smear merchant hype in the quest to finally demonstrate that conservatives are dangerous and shouldn’t be allowed near firearms.

I’d like to give a special shout out to Kevin Downey on PJ Media who actually put out an article mentioning seven things conservatives could do to be doing something. Kevin brings the comedy and has a unique way of getting under the skin of the commies. In his article, he explains why each of his recommendations is guaranteed to make commie heads explode to your delight. So, I’m sending kudos to Kevin for keeping it real, and funny.

This week, I’m calling out stories on conservative websites that claim we were lied to by the fake media smear merchants. Really, after all these years of watching President Trump exposing the lies of the fake news media smear merchants, does any American need to be reminded that the media lies? We especially don’t need to see a headline breathlessly exclaiming in a naïve voice that “oh my gosh, the media actually had the temerity to lie to us” as if they’ve suddenly awakened from some sort of reality coma. The release of the Durham Report confirming that Hillary fabricated the Russia Hoax as a political tool while completely exonerating Trump of any wrongdoing again confirms that the fake news media smear merchants lie all the time.

The only Americans, and I use that term very loosely in this case, who still believe the fake news media smear merchants are those Commiecrat useful idiots who still wear masks and wish death on the rest of us for not being gullible enough to swallow that crap from Dr. Pfizer Stock Options. They’re the ones who drank the Kool-Aid, had seconds, and are still standing in line for more. The commies won’t have trouble identifying them when they get ready to shoot the useful idiots as Lenin did to prevent them from turning on the regime when they finally get mugged by the reality of communism. They’ll be wearing multi-layer masks with a scowl on their face because we’re not.

Those of us who peruse conservative websites to keep up with current events certainly don’t need to be told that we’ve been lied to by the fake news media smear merchants. We figured that out years ago, which is why we’re on your conservative website. I realize that including this phrase in a headline for an article about the revelation of a lie is appropriate, but I wish conservative writers would be a little cleverer with their summations. On PJ Media, Matt Margolis has an article titled “We Were Lied to About Dianne Feinstein’s Health.” Oh really? You didn’t see that coming? How about a headline like “Dianne Feinstein Closer to Death than Alluded” that gives us the picture and subtly calls out the fake news media smear merchants for the lying sacks of crap they are?

I take it for granted that the fake news media smear merchants lie about everything, all the time, no matter what the issue, even if it’s apolitical. My first thought is always to wonder what they are not telling me. That they lie is just a fact. Any fake news media smear merchant article casting aspersions on a conservative such as Trump or DeSantis that goes against the grain of their conservative bona fides instantly causes me to expect another shoe to drop and/or sets off my bullshit alarm. I don’t need to be told that they lie because it’s baked in to everything they offer up as part of their PSYOP to divide and enrage us so the globalists can control us.

It used to be that a lefty resorted to calling a conservative racist when they had lost the argument and reached for the kryptonite they knew would end the debate with them clinging to the moral high ground. Being the morons that they are, they overused this weapon until everyone figured out that it was the tell that let conservatives know they had won the argument. Chlamydia Harris cackles as her tell that she doesn’t have a clue how to answer the question posed to her. That one was readily apparent and everyone caught on pretty quick.

The tell exhibited by the fake news media smear merchants that they are lying is they put out a story. That story will always be biased and leave out important context necessary for the reader or viewer to reach an informed conclusion about the event under scrutiny. Millions of Americans have caught on to these tactics and abandoned the fake news media smear merchants to get their news online. Like a cornered animal, the left is lashing out by calling for legislation that would reestablish their platforms as the only organs for news as they see Americans and advertisers abandoning their platforms. Fox News is realizing that even they are not immune to this reordering of the media world as their ratings have tanked in the wake of their firing of Tucker Carlson.

By firing Carlson, Fox’s only hope to muzzle and control him is to keep him under contract. Moving to an independent platform would give Carlson the freedom to provide his analysis of the events of the day without the suffocating presence of the Fox media overlords objecting to his content because it angers their advertisers. For their part, the Murdoch clan confirmed what we’ve known all along – that they’re globalists and were never conservative.

Of course they lied. That’s what they do, all the time and all in service to their globalist masters. Stop treating us as if we need to be reminded of that.

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