RINO Sabotage

With Americans, who are disgusted by the radical platform of the Commiecrats, poised to deliver an historic red wave electoral victory to the Republicans, Senate Minority Leader Mitch “Turtle” McConnell is attempting to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory by casting aspersions on the electability of those many MAGA Republican candidates President Trump endorsed in the primaries who went on to defeat their RINO establishment opponents because McConnell is completely sold out to the UniParty swamp that is working feverishly to keep Trump from regaining office.

Turtle is the epitome of a D.C. swamp creature who long ago sold his soul to the Chinese with his 1993 marriage to Elaine Chao, heir to The Foremost Group shipping company founded by her father in Taiwan. Her sister Angela was on the boards of the Bank of China and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, both of which were created by the Chinese government, and now runs the Foremost Group, which has extensive ties with China with virtually no footprint in the United States other than its headquarters in New York. Throughout 2018, 72% of the total tonnage shipped by Foremost was to and from China. Chao’s father has gifted millions to McConnell and Chao to raise their personal wealth, and he has donated millions to McConnell’s campaigns.

Chao served as Labor Secretary in the George W. Bush administration where she was criticized for leading the Labor Department away from regulatory oversight on a range of issues. Chao later served as Transportation Secretary in the Trump administration where she was investigated by the Transportation Department’s Inspector General for numerous ethics violations, including using department resources for personal errands and for promoting her father’s biography. The IG cited numerous instances where Chao’s office had promoted her family’s shipping business with Chao appearing in over a dozen interviews with her father. The IG referred its investigation to the Justice Department and the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Washington D.C. for criminal prosecution, but the DOJ declined to pursue the matter. In May 2020, the Trump administration removed acting IG Mitch Behm who was investigating whether Chao was giving preferential treatment to projects in Kentucky as her husband was campaigning for reelection. Behm’s replacement, Howard Elliot, served in a dual role where Chao was his boss, meaning that he was tasked with investigating his own actions and those of Chao in a massive conflict of interest. In September 2019, the House Committee on Oversight and Reform sent a letter to Chao documenting allegations that the Department of Transportation was forced to cancel a trip to China in 2017 that Chao planned to take because State Department ethics officials challenged her attempts to include her family members in official meetings with the Chinese government.

Between her stints in government, Chao has moved between various D.C. institutions such as The Heritage Foundation conservative think tank where she served as a Distinguished Fellow, the Peace Corps where she served as the Director, and the United Way of America where she served as president and CEO along with numerous board appointments including the Institute of Politics at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, Wells Fargo, New York-Presbyterian Hospital, News Corp, Dole Food Company, and Protective Life Corporation. To say that Chao is plugged in to the establishment D.C. swamp is an understatement. And, given her shameless promotion of her father and his family company in two administrations, it stands to reason that China has benefited from Chao’s D.C. connections.

McConnell maintained a pragmatic relationship with President Trump during his administration. While he has never been a fan of Trump, McConnell has been careful to hide his disdain of Trump to consolidate his power by riding Trump’s coattails. McConnell was quick to insert himself as having a crucial role in Trump’s successes while maintaining a façade of cooperation and support that belied his efforts to undermine Trump behind the scenes. McConnell is all about protecting his power, and Trump is a serious threat to his power over the establishment RINO Decepticon wing of the Republican Party.

In this election cycle, McConnell has supported a slate of establishment RINO candidates that has suffered defeat at the hands of Trump who has emerged this election cycle as the de facto leader of the Republican Party. Trump’s endorsement is now rightly seen as the guarantee for any Republican candidate to win their primary election. Trump’s power over the Republican Party is a threat to McConnell because Trump’s endorsed candidates have campaigned on an America-First MAGA platform that includes breaking with McConnell and refusing to support him as Senate Majority Leader in the next Congress. Losing out as Senate Majority Leader would diminish McConnell’s ability to provide influence for the Chinese interests from which he and his wife have benefited most handsomely.

The radical Commiecrats controlling the Democrat Party have in their hubris revealed their agenda to destroy America in terms every American now easily recognizes. They are shredding the social fabric through the indoctrination of children attending public schools in homosexuality, transgenderism, CRT, and a host of other radical efforts at odds with the Judeo-Christian morality upon which this country was founded. They are destroying the economy through engineered supply chain crises that limit the availability of otherwise plentiful food and fuel supplies that drive up their cost and increase inflation that is exceeding the ability of Americans to afford to live. They prop up an old man whose senility is obvious from his few public appearances, and whose alternate is dumber than dirt. Americans know they are being gaslit by a cadre of interlopers secretly running the country behind the scenes in service to Obama who is manufacturing the destruction of the country while maintaining plausible deniability by hiding behind Popsicle to protect his legacy.

Americans face a stark choice this election cycle between the forces of evil driving the country into the ground in the form of UniParty establishment RINO candidates beholden to the Commiecrats and those America-First MAGA candidates endorsed by President Trump. In primary after primary, Americans have responded by choosing the MAGA candidates endorsed by President Trump. Americans know the score, and they are not ready to concede this country to the forces of evil.

Having suffered the defeat of his handpicked establishment RINO candidates, McConnell and his cadre of Never-Trump establishment RINOs are attempting to undermine in the general election the candidates of their own party selected by the members of their own party in the primaries. McConnell is too experienced to come right out and oppose the candidates of his own party. Rather, he questions in an offhanded way their electability in comments that the fake news media smear merchants seize on to declare that even Republicans are admitting that Trump’s endorsed America-First MAGA candidates are too radical for mainstream Americans to elect.

The Republican Party entered this election cycle with an almost unprecedented tailwind of overwhelming voter support from Americans disgusted by the destructive policies of the Popsicle administration and the radical antics of the Commiecrats openly waving their freak flags on high. Republicans are poised to retake Congress with an overwhelming House majority and the gain of several Senate seats, giving them the power to stop the destruction being wrought by the Popsicle administration, and here’s McConnell questioning the electability of his party’s candidates instead of throwing his weight behind them. And why would McConnell do such a thing? Because at the end of the day, McConnell would rather lead a minority of establishment RINO senators he controls than face the prospect of losing his Senate leadership through the election of senators endorsed and beholden to President Trump.

Those newly elected Trump-endorsed senators might influence enough other senators to deny McConnell the Senate Majority Leader position that is crucial to his ability to deliver influence to the Chinese who lucratively fund his lifestyle. At the very least, they would expose his hypocrisy of publicly supporting American interests while privately supporting Chinese interests. And then there’s the fact that McConnell would have to admit once and for all that President Trump has wrested control of the Republican Party from the grip of his establishment RINO Never-Trump cronies. From that point on, McConnell’s power and that of his RINO compatriots would gradually diminish, along with the UniParty hopes for a globalist one-world government serving the interests of their wealthy benefactors.

If conservatives ever needed a clear-cut example of establishment RINO treachery sacrificing the congressional control that is being handed to them on a silver platter by Americans in an unprecedented wave election in service to their Never-Trump fantasies, then McConnell’s denigrating the electability of Trump-endorsed America-First MAGA candidates to scuttle their campaigns in favor of their Commiecrat opponents is it. With this, McConnell has revealed himself to be the consummate establishment RINO willing to sell out America for his own interests and undeserving of any leadership role in Republican Party politics. Not only do Republican congressional candidates have to overcome their Democrat opponents, a task made substantially easier due to the radicalism unleashed by the Commiecrat wing of the Democrat Party, they also have to overcome the establishment RINO wing of the Republican Party working for their defeat from the inside. This is the exact same situation President Trump has faced since riding down the escalator of Trump Tower to announce his candidacy for president in 2016.

The treasonous treachery displayed by McConnell in undermining Republican candidates because of his Never-Trump hatred is a testament to the sorry state of American politics. American politicians are actively working on behalf of their own interests over those of the American people. This is contributing to the cynicism of Americans seeing the country evolving into the two classes of the wealthy using the power of government against us for their own interests, and the rest of us powerless to resist the tyranny of the wealthy.

Conservatives go to work, support their families, pay their taxes, and vote for those who espouse their values and support policies that improve the state of the country. The radical communists posing as Democrats busy themselves sowing confusion through endless linguistic creations, marching in the streets against any semblance of what they consider to be establishment authority, tapping into their inner spoiled-brat child to burn down cities in fits of childish rage, indoctrinating children with the vile immorality of homosexuality and transgenderism to exploit them sexually, divide Americans into classes they then pit against one another to sow division and hatred they then exploit for political gain, and generally do all they can to undermine and destroy the country while projecting their agenda of destruction upon conservatives. In short, conservatives seek to build up America while the radical communists seek to tear down America. It is this dichotomy that is so readily apparent to voters this election cycle. McConnell and his UniParty establishment cronies would rather side with the radical communists than support Trump-endorsed Republican candidates that threaten their UniParty control of the D.C. swamp.

The other thing that conservatives do is take their families on vacation in the summer. This is the reason that recent polls are showing a bounce for Democrats and making it appear that Republican candidates are in trouble. Conservatives are on vacation and not participating in polling surveys, meaning the polls that already routinely oversample Democrats are failing even more to capture conservative sentiment. However, McConnell isn’t lamenting the electability of Trump-endorsed candidates due to these heavily skewed polls, he’s doing so because he’s trying to dampen enthusiasm among voters in the hopes that they lose and he can point out to the media that he warned Republicans that Trump-endorsed candidates couldn’t win in their general elections. Such a statement subtly reminds Republicans and conservatives to drop their dalliance with Trump and return to the establishment RINO fold that he and his cronies control.

The problem with McConnell’s lame attempt to cast aspersions on the electability of Trump-endorsed candidates is his refusal to acknowledge that Trump is the de facto leader of the Republican Party, and that the popularity of the GOP is entirely the result of Trump’s willingness to wage war on the D.C. swamp establishment that McConnell and his cronies inhabit. With his comment, McConnell has increased the support of the Trump-endorsed MAGA candidates among the conservative base and placed himself under the scrutiny of voters who are now being treated to an exposé of his ties with China and all the inherent conflicts of interest those ties include. He should have kept his mouth shut and preserved the ability to comment after the election. After Trump’s candidates win, he could have inserted himself by taking a measure of credit, and for any that did happen to lose, he could have commented on their electability without sounding defeatist.

Mitch McConnell is an establishment RINO hack consumed with power and compromised by the Chinese. The sooner he is marginalized politically and shown the door, the better off America and conservatives will be. Suffering from a massive case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, McConnell is engaged in RINO sabotage against Trump-endorsed candidates and demonstrating that his is unfit to occupy a leadership position in the GOP.

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