Emotional Manipulation

Popsicle’s poll numbers are swirling down the toilet and the fake news media is working feverishly to manipulate the emotions of Americans to secure their support for going to war in Ukraine over a crisis created by the Obama administration to distract from Popsicle’s disastrous performance on the home front.

Vladimir Putin is a ruthless thug who made his bones as a former Soviet Union KGB colonel trained to be a ruthless spymaster. He’s not stupid, and he is skilled in the arts of detecting weakness in his opponents and wielding power. Admitting this is not tantamount to support of Putin in any way, but an honest estimation of Putin as a leader.

Putin sensed in Donald Trump a leader who did not mince words and was prepared to back up his assertions. As such, Putin’s respect for Trump as a leader caused him to move cautiously on the world stage during Trump’s tenure in office. Putin had plenty of domestic tasks to busy himself with as he consolidated his power and rebuilt the Russian economy and military in his quest to restore a measure of the glory of the former Soviet Union.

Putin is under no such illusions when it comes to Popsicle. From the basement campaign where his handlers hid him from the public, to the constant veering off into the sad world of senility during his relatively few press appearances, to the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan that cost lives and left billions of dollars of American military gear in the hands of the Taliban, Popsicle has proven time and again his unfitness for the position he now occupies.

Yes, Putin has invaded Ukraine causing much destruction and loss of life, and that is a terrible thing as any soldier who has ever gone to war can attest, but we must be honest about the factors that have led to this current situation before allowing the media smear merchants to manipulate our emotions and drive America into involvement.

After the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Warsaw Pact, consisting of Eastern European countries under the control of the Soviet Union and established as a counterpart to NATO, also dissolved. Rather than accept the defeat of the Soviet Union and admit there was no longer a need for NATO, the West refused to disband NATO and began to lobby the newly independent states of Eastern Europe to join NATO despite the fact that the Bush administration had promised Russian leaders that NATO would never be expanded east of Germany. These former Warsaw Pact countries that had chaffed under communism and longed to be assured of independence from Russia, rushed into NATO’s open arms. In this, the bureaucracy of NATO did what bureaucracies do best: it developed reasons to continue its existence and expanded its empire.

As Boris Yeltsin struggled to maintain his grip on Russia between his drunken stupors, there was little that Russia could do to prevent NATO expansion with all of its domestic troubles. Unshackled by the fall of the Soviet Union and profiting from the newly created wild-west atmosphere of free market economics, the Russian mafia rose to power exploiting the decline of the authoritarian state. Former Soviet Union apparatchiks emerged as Russian oligarchs controlling shares of newly formed corporations exploiting Russian mineral and industrial wealth. The country was fragmenting in unimaginable ways, and Yeltsin turned to a former KGB colonel named Vladimir Putin to set things into some semblance of order. Little did Yeltsin realize the political acumen Putin possessed, and the depths of his ruthlessness in his pursuit of political power.

Putin eventually managed to get elected as president of Russia and immediately set about consolidating his power base. He succeeded in trading off various stints as prime minister and president before finally admitting to the obvious that he was there to stay as the sole leader of Russia.

Ukraine is one of the Eastern European communist countries of the Warsaw Pact that was freed by the collapse of the Soviet Union. Prior to the rise of the Soviet Union, portions of Ukraine had been dominated by Poland and Russia, and it was not until after the dissolution of the Soviet Union that Ukraine declared its independence as a country. Like Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine has also suffered under corruption and cronyism that existed covertly as a necessary byproduct of communist control but was suddenly thrust into the open with the demise of communist authoritarianism. While Russia was able to mainstream its corruption under the strong hand of Putin and channel it into something resembling control, Ukraine continues to suffer under corruption run amok.

After violating its promise to keep NATO confined to Western Europe, there was a rush of former Soviet states joining NATO seeking the security of the West to prevent ever losing their independence to Russia again. In this, the United States and its European NATO allies not only refused to demonstrate humble acceptance of their Cold War victory, but they reveled in the demise of the Soviet Union at the cost of humiliating Russia. The deal for keeping NATO from expanding past Germany was that Ukraine would give up her newfound arsenal of some 1,900 nuclear weapons left behind by the former Soviet Union, making Ukraine the third most powerful nuclear force on the planet.

The Obama administration demonstrated its foreign policy ineptness by pushing NATO expansion to the border of Russia by first enticing Ukraine to join, and then staging a coup once Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovich abandoned the effort to open a dialogue with Russia. Yanukovick opposed the onerous terms of the IMF designed to place the Ukraine economy under the control of globalist corporations. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland was placed in charge of the coup to remove Yanukovich and replace him with anti-Russian Arseniy Yatsenyuk to protect the interests of these globalist corporations.

The media smear merchants push the false narrative that only Putin is messing in the internal affairs of Ukraine while ignoring the fact that the Obama administration was actually doing so to the point of staging a coup to remove the democratically elected president of Ukraine. Putin is no angel, but the fingerprints of the Obama administration are all over the internal affairs of Ukraine.

Another part of the false narrative concerning Ukraine is the misleading implication that Russia annexed the Crimea back in 2014 because it contained the Russian Black Sea port of Sevastopol. The media smear merchants conveniently omit the fact that 95% of the Crimean people voted in a referendum to rejoin Russia under the same constitution that the Obama administration used to oust Yanukovich just a month earlier.

Crimea was never really a part of Ukraine in the first place. In a symbolic gesture, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev transferred Crimea to Ukraine in 1954 on the 300th anniversary of the Treaty of Pereyaslav. Ukraine never had an historical claim on the Crimea, and the 2014 referendum sought to address the historical inconsistency orchestrated by Khrushchev by returning the predominately Russian sector of Crimea to Russia.

The media smear merchants have bombarded us with images of Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy serving on the front lines in defense of Ukraine in a massive PSYOPS campaign designed to manipulate our emotions into supporting American intervention into the Ukrainian conflict. These images are accompanied by those of a pair of children saluting a passing Russian military vehicle, along with stories of Ukrainian personnel defending an island telling those aboard a Russian naval vessel to “f*** off” before being mercilessly killed.

The problem with all of these examples is that none of them actually happened. Oh, the photos are real, but the ones of Zelenskyy on the front lines with Ukrainian troops were taken last year during an inspection tour, and those of the children saluting the military vehicle were taken back in 2016. They are being presented as being recent photos of the suffering and carnage being inflicted on Ukraine by the Russians. And, that story of Ukraine guards being slaughtered by a Russian naval vessel is also false as the Ukraine guards surrendered peacefully when confronted.

Americans are being subjected to a massive fake news PSYOPS campaign designed to elicit their sympathy in an example of life imitating art. In this case, the art was the movie Wag the Dog starring Robert De Niro and Dustin Hoffman in which America is conned into believing there is a fake war happening in Albania to distract from a presidential sex scandal. Anything about that plot scenario sound familiar?

Instead of Albania, the war is in Ukraine, and instead of distracting from a presidential sex scandal, the distraction is from Popsicle’s disastrous poll numbers from running the country into the ground. Other than that, the plot is pretty much the same. If Trump taught us nothing else, it is that we should never ever believe anything the lying fake news media smear merchants tell us about anything!

The real reason Putin invaded Ukraine was to keep NATO off of the border of Russia and prevent American missiles from being located next to Russia. The only reason NATO, an organization established for the sole purpose of being hostile to the Soviet Union, now Russia, is in a position to threaten Russia’s border is that past administrations violated the original agreement not to expand NATO east of Germany in exchange for Ukraine giving up her nuclear arsenal. As if that wasn’t bad enough, Victoria Nuland from the Obama State Department orchestrated a 2014 coup in Ukraine to replace the democratically elected leader Yanukovich with Yatsenyuk to protect globalist corporate interests. Putin is livid over the prospect of American missiles being located on his border as he has every right to be.

Back in 1962, Khrushchev began locating tactical nuclear weapons on the island of Cuba just 90 miles from Florida. Soviet nuclear missiles did not have the capability to reach the United States from the Soviet Union, so Khrushchev located the missiles just offshore in Cuba where they had the ability to reach most of the United States. President Kennedy was understandably livid over that situation and instituted a naval blockade of Cuba that brought the world to the brink of nuclear war until Khrushchev backed down and removed the missiles. Khrushchev tested the young American president to see where his limits were. It was only much later that the world learned of a secret deal orchestrated by Kennedy to remove American missiles from Turkey in a face-saving gesture to Khrushchev.

Just as we objected to Soviet nuclear missiles being stationed next to the United States back in 1962, Putin is objecting to the prospect of American missiles being stationed on the border of Russia through the devious machinations of NATO expansion into Ukraine. Stating this fact does not in any way indicate that I am taking any side in this matter or supporting Putin’s actions in any way. I am merely stating the facts and history of the events that have brought us to this point in an attempt to make a rational decision going forward.

Both Ukraine and Russia are corrupt oligarchies that are battling against one another over security interests. Past American administrations have unnecessarily involved themselves in internal Ukrainian affairs through nefarious means to influence events. Popsicle’s poll numbers are swirling down the toilet and taking the Democrat Party down with him as he desperately searches for a distraction before the midterm elections. The American people overwhelmingly reject any American involvement with the situation in Ukraine as this is not our affair, even though we wish the best for the Ukrainian people. Those are the facts, and no amount of lying fake news media smear merchant emotional manipulation propaganda is going to change them.

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