Masking Individuality

The obsession over forcing everyone to wear useless masks by the left and its snowflake adherents has nothing to do with science and everything to do with the psychology of hiding from public view the individuality of every American so as to weaken and destroy our ability to resist their crusade to remake America into a communist country.

Our faces are the windows into our souls. We look each other in the eye to determine the veracity behind our declarations. We scrutinize facial nuances to get a sense of the effectiveness of our probing questions. Those skilled in the art of reading faces can gain immense insight into others based on their facial expressions. Poker players judge the facial expressions of their opponents to assess their tells and gain tremendous advantageous insight into both their poker skills and the content of the cards they hold.

America is a nation founded by men exercising individual initiative to escape the Old World to live their lives in freedom. These men attracted others of a like mind who chaffed at being treated as a collective to be exploited by the Old World nation of Great Britain. It was colonists exercising individual initiative that was responsible for the wealth of the colonies, not the British monarchy and lords safely ensconced in their British manors exploiting that wealth as if it belonged to them by natural right. The individuals who risked all to found and populate the colonies decided they had had enough and exercised their individuality to wrest control of their colonies from the grasp of their British overlords.

This experience of individual initiative was preserved by the Founding Fathers in the documents establishing the United States from these colonies and preserving the liberty of its citizens to capture that spirit that carved out civilization where none existed and created wealth where only potential existed. The great insight into the founding of America is that it was founded not because of the wealth and privilege of Old World Great Britain, but in spite of it. It was this spirit of rugged individuality that caused these newly minted Americans to forsake the comforts of civilization to expand ever westward and build a great nation. This rugged individuality is etched deeply on the faces of Americans who persevere in spite of long odds to overcome adversity and thrive, and it is etched deeply into the psyche of Americans willing to take great risks to realize great rewards.

America didn’t become the most powerful nation on earth with the highest standard of living in world history in less than 400 years by adopting communism as its guiding economic principle and living as a collective. It did so by firmly embracing the rugged individualism responsible for its founding and the free enterprise system responsible for its wealth. We are proud individuals, and it shows on our faces.

Not every American embraces the spirit of individualism. America is also filled with those who chose to come here after the hard work of carving a civilization out of the rugged wilderness was accomplished. They sought to improve their lot in life as is encouraged by the guiding spirit of America, but only after the comforts of civilization had been established. To be fair, many came of age after these comforts had been established, but even they had the opportunity to forego these comforts to seek their fortunes beyond the westward horizon. Some took advantage of that opportunity while others remained behind. There is nothing inherently wrong in either choice as men were needed both to expand the country westward and to build those portions of the country already established. Each group respected the other and lived with the differences.

Somewhere along the way, there arose a strain of men seeking to establish control over their fellow Americans by tempering their rugged individualism. They were subtle in their approach and argued that this was for the betterment of the country. They were largely ignored and accommodated since their efforts didn’t conflict with those continuing to assert their rugged individualism. Yes, laws are good, when they are reasonable and Americans are generally left to themselves to run their lives as they see fit.

It was never enough for this strain of men to merely enact reasonable laws as it was always their intention to establish control over their fellow Americans. They condescendingly believed, and still do, that they were inherently superior to their fellow citizens based on their elevated positions of wealth and privilege. Never did they consider the possibility that their fellow citizens had eschewed the pursuit of wealth and privilege in living their lives as they saw fit and the Founders had sought to ensure as their right to do so. It has always been our chance as free Americans to live our lives as we saw fit without the oversight of others minding our business more than their own. We, as free individuals, are more capable of making personal choices based on our unique circumstances than others who only look upon us long enough to see us as problems to be solved.

That we have been lied to constantly by the bureaucrats and their media smear merchant propagandists for the past two years over a hyped-up cold and flu season comes as no surprise, but the real surprise is the gullibility of such a large portion of the populace and their willingness to surrender their liberty so quickly. Americans who strayed from Christianity have adopted the religion of the China virus with its panic porn hysteria, its mask theater symbology, and its vaccination status signifying salvation. Their souls are completely empty and they absolve their frustrations over not being able to achieve spiritual fulfillment by wearing masks to signal their virtue and screaming at those sane enough to refuse the clot shot as if they were the cause of man’s fall from grace.

This cult of Branch Covidians wears these masks not only to signify their virtue for all to see in an ostentatious display, but to also hide their faces so others don’t see the emptiness of their souls. They are an angry and pathetic bunch, and their anger and pettiness is etched on their faces. They scream at those of us unwilling to allow them to browbeat us into joining their pathetic little cult. Those of us refusing to wear the masks recall back in the early stages of the plandemic when the science bureaucrats told us not to wear them because they were ineffective. That was when masks were scarce because no one wore them before, but when the entrepreneurial spirit took hold and masks appeared everywhere, the message transitioned into demand that masks be worn at all times lest we all die.

Those of us in the resistance have known the truth all along that masks were useless and have refused to wear them. Now that the panic narrative is collapsing and the science bureaucrats are scrambling to reorient their false narrative so as to appear innocent in the wake of their complicity, they are admitting that the masks are useless to prevent viral transmissions, but they’ll never admit we were right. Those lefty snowflakes that bought into the panic narrative with demands to “follow the science” to support the enforcement of mask mandates refuse to hear the “science” these science bureaucrats are now propagating that the masks really don’t work like we’ve said all along. They continue to wear their masks with intense religious fervor while smoldering over our refusal to validate their religious practice.

The Branch Covidians have been lied to, but their egos refuse to let them admit it, so they continue to cling to their beliefs with renewed intensity. They hide their shame behind their masks that do nothing for them that could be remotely linked to science other than psychology. It burns them to no end that we walk around with our faces on full display for all to see. There is no guile in our faces, and all can plainly see the rugged individualism and forthrightness of our character as it is written on our faces.

Those pulling the strings on the Wuhan flu hoax long ago moved from a desperate attempt to preserve public health to exploiting the opportunity to grind the populace into submission and ease the transition from a free enterprise America to an embrace of communism. The masks serve as marks of complicity and identify to those in charge those Americans most willing to bend their knees in submission to a set of ideas antithetical to that of America.

The masks hide the emptiness and hatred of those continuing to wear them while marking their wearers as willing collectivists. Those who have refused to ever wear them demonstrate their rugged individualism in their refusal. Those who never really bought into the mask hysteria but went along to avoid lefty blowback have shown their unwillingness to stand up for their freedom and signaled their undependability in the fight for liberty. They have attempted to bargain with evil without learning the lesson history teaches that evil cannot be bargained with. Once corruption sets in, it continues to metastasize until it completely corrupts its host. Bargaining only allows corruption to gain a foothold from which it spreads. Those who went along with mask wearing merely started down the path of appeasement from which they cannot escape.

The lines have been drawn and no amount of additional cajoling will force more Americans to adopt the nonsense of the Branch Covidian cult. Americans have demonstrated either a willingness to appease the collectivists or resist the collective. Those who are resisting have shown that they are willing to lose their jobs, be ostracized by their friends, and suffer the wrath of their families to uphold their principles. All that remains is for the endgame to pay itself out.

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