Hell Yes, We’re Radical Socialists

This week’s Democrat debate in Houston revealed to the entire world what we conservatives have been saying for decades – the Democrats are all radical socialists determined to take away your guns and impose socialism on America regardless of the cost or how high they have to raise taxes on the middle class.

Despite his occasional gaffes and incoherent ramblings, Joe Biden spent most of the debate looking reasonable, positioned as he was between radical socialists Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Joe managed to corner both Sanders and Warren on the costs of enacting their government imposed Medicare-for-all plans and into refusing to state the obvious truth that their plans would require massive tax hikes on the middle class to fund healthcare for the poor and illegal immigrants. Free government goodies has become the preferred strategy to winning votes from the aggrieved classes and snowflake millennials, and the current crop of Democrats vying for the nomination are showing no signs of having any trouble making promises the middle class can’t afford to keep.

For over a hundred years, the progressive movement has dreamed of nationalizing the entire healthcare system under the auspices of fairness and social justice as a means of establishing government control over a sector of the free enterprise system which has made America the pinnacle of world-class healthcare. Control of healthcare places healthcare decisions into the hands of government bureaucrats who then have the ability to deny services based on one’s status as a compliant citizen. Dissenters and critics of the government face the likelihood that their healthcare needs will go untreated due to their dissent in a manner akin to the Chinese social credit system.

One of Bill Clinton’s first acts as president was his infamous assault on healthcare dubbed Hillarycare due to the fact that she took the lead in its implementation. Their plan was rebuffed after a series of opposition ads featuring a worried couple discussing the implications of Hillarycare known as the Harry and Louise spots highlighted the more sinister aspects of the plan. To his credit as a master politician, Bill dropped the idea and never made another run at imposing government control of the healthcare system after witnessing the immense resistance to Hillarycare.

George W. Bush managed to implement the Medicare prescription drug entitlement despite the fact that neither party was clamoring for its passage. This betrayal of conservatism imposed a massive new entitlement program on American taxpayers and demonstrated that government control of healthcare was possible if implemented in a piecemeal fashion. With Democrat control of both chambers of Congress, Barack Obama signed the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, into law to move government control of the healthcare sector one step closer to reality. Obamacare imposed a penalty upon anyone refusing to obtain health insurance enacted on one’s tax form in a scheme resembling Social Security whereupon the young who typically require very little healthcare are forced to subsidize the old who typically require the most healthcare. Statistically speaking, one consumes 90% of their healthcare in the last three years of their life.

Having visions of new customers forced by the government to purchase their products, the insurance industry instantly embraced support for Obamacare alongside the AMA whose members saw a vast untapped market of Americans who would now have the means to become patients and the pharmaceutical industry seeing a vast market of patients for their drugs. As the costs of these Obamacare plans were unveiled, the reality soon became obvious that those such as the AMA, the pharmaceutical industry, and the insurance industry were thrown under the bus by the Obama administration seeking to shift blame away from their disastrous interference in the health insurance market and onto greedy insurance companies seeking to profit off the backs of hard working Americans. Those industry players who supported Obamacare with visions of vast new profit streams failed to realize that the politicians would throw them under the bus to salvage their own political careers once reality set in.

Due to the willingness of white Americans to elect a black president under the false impression that this act would eliminate the race issue promoted for decades by Democrats, America almost ended up with a massive new entitlement program whose continuation for just a little additional time would have cemented it into place forever. Thankfully, America elected Donald Trump who set about dismantling Obamacare with the elimination of the hated health insurance penalty from the tax form. President Trump managed to do what the establishment Republicans in Congress would not do despite their numerous promises and show votes repealing Obamacare. Once the Republicans managed to regain control of Congress, they failed miserably at repealing Obamacare because the establishment wing of the party secretly desired Obamacare just as much as the radical socialist progressives of the Democrat Party. A study of history reveals that the progressive movement began under Republican president Theodore Roosevelt.

For his efforts, President Trump has been subjected to unprecedented Democrat vitriol and hatred throughout the media, and abuses of government power by Deep State bureaucrats who are intent on smearing the reputation of his administration to drive him from office. Trump supporters are routinely subjected to physical attacks in violation of laws prohibiting assault as the radical socialist progressives see their high water mark of the Obama administration being rolled back by the Trump administration. All of the ground they had managed to secure under the Obama administration is being removed from them by President Trump despite their efforts to impeach him as president, smear his administration, undermine his political support, and drive him from office.

For decades after the 1968 and 1972 elections when the radical socialists began taking over the Democrat Party and purging it of conservatives, they took pains to portray themselves as progressive liberals while vehemently denying that they were affiliated with communism. These radical socialist progressives described their political approach in terms of a reasonable and informed approach to the issues of the day. Gun violence was first portrayed by these political opportunists as a chance to enact reasonable limits on the purchase of firearms such as background checks while agitating for bans on concealed carry of firearms. This approach morphed quickly enough into calls for the banning of the entirely fictitious class of firearms they labeled as “assault weapons” for no other reason than the fact that they resembled military-styled assault rifles and did not lend themselves to an easy public defense despite their popularity among sportsmen.

Gun control is an especially touchy political subject given the role that firearms have played in the establishment and defense of the country and their importance in the role of personal defense. Having a firearm within reach provides a great measure of security when one realizes the police are minutes away when trouble suddenly appears. The Founding Fathers recognized the importance of the colonists having firearms to defend themselves against the British by enshrining the right to their possession in the Second Amendment. It is telling that the radical socialist progressives seek to expand the protections of every amendment in the Bill of Rights except the Second Amendment which they seek to contract and eliminate to the detriment of American liberty and personal defense. Pompous wealthy coastal elites and celebrities hypocritically issue calls for gun control surrounded by armed bodyguards providing them the protection they seek to deny us the ability to provide for ourselves.

Many Democrats covertly supporting gun control take pains to publicly distance themselves from the issue in the knowledge that their constituents would abandon them in droves should their support for gun control be revealed. In the wake of the El Paso shooting, Democrat presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke, sensing an opportunity to distinguish himself from the field, boldly declared that “hell yes, we’re gonna take your AR-15” explaining that he intended to force owners of “assault weapons” to sell their guns to the government if elected. Make no mistake that O’Rourke’s sentiment is not shared by the rest of the Democrat field or its legion of snowflake supporters. In a moment of frustration, O’Rourke blurted out the truth that conservatives have warned Americans about for decades that the Democrats favor the elimination of the Second Amendment and the confiscation of guns from Americans.

As if O’Rourke’s stunning revelation on gun control wasn’t enough, the public was treated to the spectacle of both self-avowed socialist Bernie Sanders and closet socialist Elizabeth Warren describing their plans to implement a government takeover of the healthcare industry to force Americans into even more dependence upon the government. Defending his position as the most electable party moderate, Biden forced Sanders and Warren to admit that their plans would be absurdly expensive with their refusals to admit that massive tax hikes on the middle class would be required to pay for their schemes. Sanders resorted to the thoroughly debunked tactic of claiming that the tax hikes would be offset by lower healthcare costs to which Biden effectively retorted that Sanders as a socialist had more faith in corporate America than he had if Sanders actually believed these mysterious cost savings would be passed on to consumers.

The downside of focusing on snowflake millennials with promises of free government goodies is that the older generations, who make up the vast majority of the American electorate, look down on the snowflake millennials as a bunch of contemptuous spoiled brats with entitlement mentalities who are plugged into their smartphones and unwilling to work. Older Americans who hold jobs to pay their mortgages and support their families take pleasure in shunning the snowflake millennials along with any political candidates sucking up to them. These older Americans are adamant about exercising their right to own guns, including AR-15 semi-automatic sporting rifles, and they are well aware that the vast majority of those misusing firearms to commit shooting sprees are – you guessed it – snowflake millennials. To them, the issue is that a bunch of pandering politicians catering to the snowflake millennials want to take their guns just because those same snowflake millennials can’t and won’t man up to become responsible adults.

These snowflake millennials also feel sorry for everyone trying to get into America and want to know why we just don’t throw open the borders and let them in. After all, these people are suffering and just want a better life in America, and it’s rude of us to want to keep America for ourselves and not let anyone else in to enjoy it also, and we don’t deserve to have this much when there are others who have so little. Yeah, the usual radical progressive snowflake arguments trotted out to demonstrate that they care. Older Americans have figured out that these illegal immigrants flowing across the border are the very ones pushing them out of the workforce before they are ready to leave on their own. They try to tell these snowflake millennials that they’re making a huge mistake they won’t be able to fix once they realize they’ve made this mistake, but trying to talk to a snowflake millennial with no life experience is like trying to talk to a wall. It’s like “hey kid, shut the hell up until you actually learn something in the world!”

There was a time when radical progressive politicians took pains to appear as mainstream as possible shunning labels such as socialist or communist and playing down positions such as gun control or abortion. The fact that Democrats like Bernie Sanders openly and proudly identifies as a socialist or that Beto O’Rourke openly proclaims “Hell yes, we’re gonna take your AR-15” shows just how radically far left these progressives have moved the Democrat Party and just how deluded they have become in believing that the majority of Americans would actually support their radicalism that they feel comfortable blurting out truths they once took pains to hide. With that statement, O’Rourke just killed what little chance he had as a presidential candidate and probably any chance at holding another elected office in Texas. The radical socialist Democrats can dream all they want and hold up every fake poll they can get their hands on about turning Texas blue, but Texas is still a conservative state with a huge population that these socialist Democrats prefer to ignore.

Having O’Rourke blurt out the truth that the Democrats are all in on gun control and itching to have the government confiscate guns, or Sanders and Warren embracing socialism on a grand scale to nationalize America’s healthcare is cold comfort to conservatives because having the ability to point at these displays and say I told you so only means that we have gone too far to the left in the first place. We had the ability to see this coming when it existed only as a set of code words and phrases whispered among the more radical of the socialist Democrats, and we tried desperately to get Americans to understand that this was the eventual endgame to no avail. Now that this endgame is here, we realize that there are many radical socialist progressives embedded throughout society who have been working behind the scenes for decades to get to this endgame and turning back this endgame means overcoming their built in resistance. President Trump has amply demonstrated that it is not enough to be the president working to stop illegal immigration by closing the borders, building a wall, or shutting down Obama administration initiatives like DACA because he now faces a federal judiciary filled with radical socialist acolytes who issue injunctions to frustrate and slow his ability to stop the momentum built up by the radical socialists.

If President Trump, who is fighting harder than anyone since Reagan to stop the radical socialist progressives who are shredding the Constitution and turning America into the opposite of what the Founders intended, lacks the power to stop the Deep State bureaucrats continuing to push America to the left, then do we as the American electorate have the power to stop them? Sure, we can vote the politicians supporting the radical socialist madness out of office, but generations of politicians from both parties have created a vast bureaucratic class unanswerable to the voters who run the daily operations of government and hold vast power over us Americans. This is another feature of government which was not intended by the Founders, but we have it nonetheless.

The reason these radical socialist Democrats feel comfortable enough to blurt out the truth is that they are aware of this vast bureaucracy and their hold over it. It doesn’t matter whether they get elected or not as long as they have their people ensconced throughout the bureaucracy actually running the government. This is the same reason Hillary felt comfortable enough to blurt out “what difference, at this point, does it make?” during the Senate hearings investigating her role in the Benghazi incident. After all, Hillary has been hopping from one scandal to next throughout her life without being held responsible for her role in any of them, so why would she worry about the Benghazi scandal politically connected as she is. Likewise with radical socialist Democrat politicians who are more concerned with advancing the radical socialist progressive agenda that in being elected to some office. If they can get elected and help the cause, then that’s fine with them, but they will live well regardless as part of the radical socialist network.

The only way voters can reclaim their authority over the political system is to have a wholesale cleaning of the political ranks throwing out anyone from either party who doesn’t endorse the view through both their words and their actions that it is we the people who have ultimate authority over the government. To turn America back to the idea envisioned by the Founders, we need both an Executive and a Legislative Branch dedicated to rooting out the Deep State bureaucracy beholden to the view that they know better than we the people do at running the country. This means Congress reclaiming its legislative powers from the unelected agencies it created and placed under the Executive Branch. This means dismantling the entitlement state transferring wealth from one group to the other. This means restoring confidence in the rule of law that having wealth doesn’t mean you get to live by a different set of rules or use the law to oppress others. It also means electing politicians beholden to the people instead of their own personal agendas.

The Democrat presidential candidates felt comfortable enough to blurt out some breathtaking truths during their debate this week. That confidence and those truths should scare the hell out of us and make us realize just what is at stake as these radical socialist Democrats explain their endgame for turning America into a country completely unrecognizable to the Founders and the polar opposite of what they intended.

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