Historical Revisionism

Communists employ tried and true tactics to seize control of a country beginning with PSYOP campaigns seizing control of education systems to indoctrinate young impressionable minds  and media to spread propaganda with an important component being that of erasing history to leave citizens unknowledgeable about their past and less able to resist communist redefinition of past events.

In Spanish philosopher George Santayana’s five-volume work The Life of Reason: The Phases of Human Progress, on page 294 of volume one, Reason in Common Sense, is found probably the most famous of Santayana’s quotes.

“Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

With that last line, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” Santayana was attempting to explain that the failure to remember positive historical lessons jeopardizes the stability of human nature’s functional equilibrium by possibly introducing a pattern of negative repetition that could become a doom loop of historical mistakes.

Santayana’s next paragraph provides additional context.

“Not all readaptation, however, is progress, for ideal identity must not be lost. The Latin language did not progress when it passed into Italian. It died. Its amiable heirs may console us for its departure, but do not remove the fact that their parent is extinct. So every individual, nation, and religion has its limit of adaptation; so long as the increment it receives is digestible, so long as the organisation already attained is extended and elaborated without being surrendered, growth goes on; but when the foundation itself shifts, when what is gained at the periphery is lost at the centre, the flux appears again and progress is not real. Thus a succession of generations or languages or religions constitutes no progress unless some ideal present at the beginning is transmitted to the end and reaches a better expression there; without this stability at the core no common standard exists and all comparison of value with value must be external and arbitrary. Retentiveness, we must repeat, is the condition of progress.”

Communists are fond of portraying their satanic and economically regressive ideology with terminology in direct antithesis to its reality. Their propagandists falsely describe their ideology as progressive to latch onto the positive aspects of the term progress that is ingrained into citizens with the implication that their ideology is also positive when in fact it is no such thing. History demonstrates conclusively that communism is a failed ideology that has resulted in destroyed economies, totalitarian governments, and the deaths of millions wherever it has been imposed. The only way communists can continue the repetition of this doom loop is to cause people to forget its history, and the only way to do that is to erase history in the first place. Erase the record of historical failures, recast those failures as insufficient in scale to achieve success, reintroduce the siren song of communist equality with the implication of equality at an elevated level of wealth for all, and the communists perpetuate the doom loop of communist failure and destruction.

This historical revisionism takes many forms, one of which is the erasure of historical context to prevent people from remembering historical events that led to the creation and sustainment of their present conditions. In America, this means erasing historical knowledge of the Founding Fathers and the meanings of the foundational documents upon which America was built. The basic facts are kept in place, but the underlying nuances are erased and recast with nuances favorable to the communist narrative. Instead of being taught that the Mayflower Compact was an exercise in communism that quickly failed and was replaced with the introduction of the free enterprise system that led to prosperity and the first Thanksgiving, the nuances of the Mayflower Compact are merely glossed over and ignored in public schools. Likewise, such is the case with other historical elements of America’s founding.

Instead, we are treated to the historical revisionist fiction that America was founded upon slave labor as the basis for its economic prosperity thanks to the false 1619 Project developed and perpetuated by communist black liberation theorist Nikole Hannah-Jones of the New York Times. To Jones and her communist ilk, America is nothing more than a racist construct with no redeeming qualities that has made no effort to atone for the dark spots of its past and only deserves to be destroyed and recast in communist terms. Other artificial social constructs such as BLM, DIE, and transgenderism have been erected to further confuse people and more easily lead to their indoctrination.

The institution of slavery was accepted and practiced in America as it was in many other enlightened and civilized countries of the West including Great Britain and France. Such was the era and the times, but America suffered under the moral stain of slavery until it came to a head with the Civil War, which tore America asunder pitting American against American in a savage and brutal conflict that finally settled the question of slavery and left the country to begin the long and arduous process of reconciliation.

As part of that reconciliation, the great chasm between the North and the South with its many emotional wounds required concessions on both sides to begin the process of healing. These steps of reconciliation became much more important when America entered into World War I in 1917 and was forced to recruit millions of soldiers from across both the North and the South who had to train together and build the trust necessary for their combat survival. As a gesture of goodwill, the North reached across the divide to honor Confederate generals who had fought valiantly for their cause by naming some of the Army camps established for training WWI recruits after them. This process continued with America’s entry into WWII and the establishment of new Army camps for the training of WWII recruits. These camps eventually became Army forts and retained the names of the Confederate Generals for which they were named in recognition of their place in American history.

These great installations have now fallen victim to the communist tactic of historical revisionism culminating in their renaming after less controversial figures. In their quest to erase American history and perpetuate the racial grievances that serve as the basis of their toxic identity politics, the Commiecrats ginned up a faux controversy over the names of these facilities where no controversy previously existed. They hired protesters, spread media propaganda, and shed crocodile tears as they wrung their hands at the social injustice so prominently displayed in these facility names. Commiecrat politicians and their weak Uniparty RINO establishment cohorts rushed to remove these triggering names lest any purple-haired transgender creature become offended.

Thus the following Army fort name changes resulted:

  • Fort Benning, Georgia – Fort Moore, after Army Lt. Gen. Hal Moore and his wife, Julia Compton Moore. Hal Moore received the Distinguished Service Cross for heroism in the Vietnam War. Julia Moore was an advocate for military families.
  • Fort Bragg, North Carolina – Fort Liberty.
  • Fort Gordon, Georgia – Fort Eisenhower, after President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who was also a five-star Army general and served as the Supreme Allied Commander of forces in Europe during World War II.
  • Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia – Fort Walker after Dr. Mary Edwards Walker, the first female surgeon in the Civil War, and the only woman awarded the Medal of Honor.
  • Fort Hood, Texas – Fort Cavazos, after Army Gen. Richard E. Cavazos, who received the Distinguished Service Cross for heroism in the Vietnam War.
  • Fort Lee, Virginia – Fort Gregg-Adams, after Lt. Gen. Arthur Gregg and Lt. Col. Charity Adams. Gregg was a key figure in the integration of black soldiers into the Army. Adams was one of the highest-ranking female soldiers in World War II.
  • Fort Pickett, Virginia – Fort Barfoot, after Army Tech Sgt. Van T. Barfoot, who received the Medal of Honor for his actions with the 45th Infantry Division during World War II in Italy in 1944.
  • Fort Polk, Louisiana – Fort Johnson, after Army Sgt. William Henry Johnson, who received the Medal of Honor posthumously for action in the Argonne Forest of France during World War I.
  • Fort Rucker, Alabama – Fort Novosel, after Army Chief Warrant Officer 4 Michael J. Novosel, an aviator who received the Medal of Honor for a medevac mission under fire in Vietnam where he saved 29 soldiers.

This is just one of the many shameful Commiecrat revisionist actions that have seen the removal of not just Confederate, but also Revolutionary War monuments dedicated to the preservation of American history removed on the Commiecrat pretext of erasing the stain of slavery. Remember, the progenitor of this movement to erase Confederate history began with none other than globalist World Economic Forum Class of 2011 Young Global Leader Neocon Nikki Haley who as South Carolina governor famously removed the Confederate Flag from the State Capital building in 2015. Prior to June of 2015, Haley supported flying the Confederate flag over the State Capital but flip-flopped to call for its removal after the Charleston, SC church massacre perpetrated by deranged white supremacist Dylann Roof that month.

The August 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, VA was organized by local white supremacist Jason Kessler to protest the removal of a monument of Confederate General Robert E. Lee that had stood in Lee Park for almost a hundred years. The rally turned tragic on the second day when another white supremacist, James Alex Fields, Jr. from Ohio, rammed his vehicle into a crowd of counter protesters killing one and injuring several others. The Commiecrats and their media acolytes seized on this event to cast all protests against removal of Confederate monuments as the work of white supremacists and further accelerated the movement to remove such monuments. The involvement of white supremacists and neo-Nazis in the preservation of these historical monuments forever stained attempts to defend their historical context and greatly benefited the Commiecrat effort to erase American history.

As predicted, the movement to erase Confederate monuments that had been rendered difficult to defend due to past Commiecrat historical revisionism led to the removal of monuments dedicated to America’s Founding Fathers due to their ownership of slaves as it progressed up the chain from those rendered to be the least defensible historical figures to others rendered less defensible due to their involvement in the slave trade. The Commiecrats have revised history to completely obliterate the historical context of America’s founding, the Civil War, and the era in which slavery existed to reopen healed wounds and exacerbate racial tensions for no other reason than to gain and hold power.

While the Commiecrats have been quick to rename Army installations lest the snowflakes become triggered, they continue the practice of referring to the social media platform owned by Elon Musk, which he renamed X to reflect its new ownership and new direction, as X (Twitter). This is done on purpose because the Commiecrats can’t bear the thought that their once-beloved social media platform has become the property of a free speech advocate and reflect their disdain by continuing to include its old name in their references as if it is destined to someday return to their fold. To them, the names of Confederate generals on Army installations must be forgotten as quickly as possible, but the name of their beloved social media platform must not be forgotten lest Americans forget that it was once a bastion of disinformation and propaganda for the Commiecrats.

After all, what’s in a name as Shakespeare once famously asked? Well, nothing and everything, depending on your point of view and your agenda. A name is nothing if you are secure as a person, but it’s everything if you are a Commiecrat looking to erase history. Caveat: it is definitely something if it is hurled against you to silence your criticism or cause you legal jeopardy. Americans are sick of historical revisionism, artificial social constructs, attempts to blame whites for every sin Commiecrats can imagine, and the destruction of America resulting from these Commiecrat fabrications. Americans are fighting back to reclaim their history and intelligently oppose the Commiecrats whose historical revisionism has caused them to forget America’s history and left them defenseless when confidently confronted by conservatives wielding historical facts.

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