Tactical Assault Homicide

The FBI, dressed in the finest black night tactical gear taxpayer money can buy, conducted an early-morning raid on the home of an obese, 75-year old Utah man who had difficulty walking with a cane for posting veiled threats to his social media accounts that ended in yet another tactical assault homicide.

The Commiecrats have worked tirelessly over the past several years dividing the country and antagonizing grievances while simultaneously censoring conservatives and hiding behind the Deep State government infrastructure that enables their actions. They have waged total war on the Second Amendment rights of Americans through the passage of unconstitutional Red-Flag laws while also blatantly ignoring Supreme Court rulings reaffirming those rights to pass gun bans they know will eventually be struck down by that Court, but only after many years and millions of dollars in litigation.

The American system of justice is predicated on the presumption of innocence until proven guilty, but Red-Flag laws completely turn this around to create the situation of guilt until proven innocent. It is much more difficult for one to prove their innocence than to disprove their guilt. To the average person, it may seem that these are the same things, but they certainly are not in the legal world. For instance, a Commiecrat neighbor observes you carrying what appears to be a rifle case out to your car and reports you for owning a gun while embellishing that she feels threatened by your past conservative disregard of her Karenesque behavior. It matters not that you are a law-abiding citizen on your way to the gun range to partake in your favored pastime of target practice. Law enforcement shows up on your doorstep, seizes your guns, and forces you to prove your innocence to court officials who have no knowledge of you, your behavior, or your neighbor’s proclivity to being a Karen. You now have no guns and a record that pops up to deny you the ability to ever purchase another firearm. You still believe that proving innocence and disproving guilt are the same thing?

Utah resident Craig Robertson was an old man with limited mobility, and by all accounts from his family and neighbors, he was absolutely no threat to anyone. Like the rest of us, Mr. Robertson has watched the Commiecrats drive America into the ground through egregious actions that should have been stopped long ago by Congress and the courts if they hadn’t been infiltrated and overtaken by the Commiecrats of the Deep State. No doubt Mr. Robertson has read multiple articles by frustrated conservatives and Commiecrat deep fakes urging that we all “do something before it is too late.” Well, the only thing Mr. Robertson could do was to post comments on his social media pages. As his frustration grew, so also did the threatening tone of his posts. He couldn’t really do anything but post.

It is against the law to threaten public officials, especially the president. Mr. Robertson posted some veiled threats and some not-so-veiled threats concerning Popsicle’s upcoming visit to Utah. In this, Mr. Robertson becomes hard to defend on the basis of First Amendment free speech grounds. However, there also exist the Eight Amendment that guarantees protection from cruel and unusual punishment, the Fifth Amendment that guarantees equal protection under the law, and the Sixth Amendment guaranteeing the right to a speedy trial by a jury of one’s peers. Mr. Robertson was afforded none of these rights as guaranteed to Americans under the Constitution. Mr. Robertson was executed in his home by armed federal agents dressed in tactical gear conducting an early-morning raid on his home. These agents were aware that Mr. Robertson owned guns, and they were also aware that if they kicked down his door in a pre-dawn raid, he would reach for his gun to protect himself from unidentified armed intruders as a reflex action, thus giving them the excuse to execute him on the spot by claiming self-defense.

The FBI is no stranger to setting up Americans for political purposes. The January 6 fedsurrection is living proof of their duplicity in protecting the Deep State Commiecrats against the American people who still naively believe the Constitution is there for their protection. Ample video evidence demonstrates that Ray Epps was encouraging people to confront Capitol security and enter the Capitol, along with his bragging to others that he was responsible for the riot that ensued. Other evidence has emerged that the entire episode was directed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to provide the pretext to come after President Trump by having dozens of federal agents embedded into the crowd appearing to be insurrectionist Trump supporters. Multiple video segments hidden from the public by the Commiecrat J6 House Committee revealed the lies perpetrated by the Deep State when they were finally released by Tucker Carlson.

Mr. Robertson was set up by the FBI with the intention of sending a message to Trump supporters that they can expect the same treatment for criticizing the Deep State and its power over Americans. Any American with a gun will reach for that gun if they hear their front door being kicked in by unknown intruders in the middle of the night, and few Americans being suddenly aroused from sleep in the early morning have the mental alertness to properly comprehend the situation in which they have found themselves. In all probability, they will be gunned down just like Mr. Robertson and afforded none of their constitutional rights, again just like Mr. Robertson.

Over the past several years, the Commiecrat Deep State has weaponized law enforcement against the American people. Gone are the days when the local sheriff dressed in a department uniform knew everyone and erred on the side of restraint when dealing with the public. The next time you are stopped for speeding, notice how the local law enforcement agent approaching your vehicle is dressed in tactical military gear like he’s patrolling the streets of Afghanistan in full battle rattle. Americans are no longer viewed by law enforcement as citizens whom they are there to protect and serve. Americans are now viewed by law enforcement as potential terrorist threats until they prove themselves harmless by dutifully submitting in full compliance. To law enforcement, we ARE the threat regardless of our innocence.

Instead of engaging in good police work by contacting local law enforcement to have them assess the situation by checking with Mr. Robertson’s neighbors or patrol his neighborhood to observe him, the FBI engaged with local law enforcement to conduct a pre-dawn raid on Mr. Robertson’s house and unload their weapons on him when he reached for his gun. No doubt local law enforcement agents were all too willing to be afforded the opportunity to work with the FBI in such an important endeavor. After all, they were protecting the president, and it doesn’t get more exciting than that.

There is absolutely no professionalism in law enforcement anymore. The ranks of law enforcement are filled with power-hungry individuals who were probably picked on in school and relish the ability to dress up in paramilitary gear to imagine themselves conducting a military raid against bad guys while ignoring the fact that their targets aren’t trained military opponents but ordinary Americans who have had their every advantage negated short of having their hands tied behind their backs.

Mr. Robertson was no saint and is hard to defend based on his social media posts, but he didn’t deserve to be gunned down in his home by a gang of paramilitary wannabees with itchy trigger fingers hoping he would reach for his gun like they knew he would. He certainly deserved better than being laid out on the sidewalk under a sheet in full view of his neighbors and their children while his blood soaked through that sheet. The fake news media smear merchant lies would have been a lot easier to sell if Mr. Robertson had been a recently discharged Marine sniper in peak physical condition with an axe to grind, but it doesn’t really matter in the end since the Deep State Commiecrats will cover the whole thing up anyway. And so another tactical assault homicide fades into the memory hole of the constant news cycle to join other egregious law enforcement actions such as asset forfeiture, better known as highway robbery, and Red-Flag laws better known as gun seizure.

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