Establishment Roots Run Deep

For all of the talk of grass roots anger demanding leadership changes in the wake of the red trickle last November, we find ourselves with the same exact leadership that was responsible for muting the red tsunami and leaving us with the red trickle that served only to preserve their leadership posts at the expense of GOP grass roots supporters and the country as a whole.

RINO squish Mitch “The Turtle” McConnell handily defeated Florida Senator Rick Scott to remain as the Senate Minority Leader for another term, thus preserving China’s influence in the world’s most deliberative body. His wife, Elain Chao, whose family owns the shipping company Foremost Group based in Taiwan, can happily report back to Chinese leaders that she remains in a position to influence US policy on their behalf. Meanwhile, the Turtle can continue to sell out the GOP by rolling over for Democrat spendthrift policies that are bankrupting the country in violation of every GOP attempt to pay lip service to the conservative principle of fiscal discipline.

After a bruising House Speaker election lasting some 15 rounds whereby young conservatives refused to vote for him, Kevin McCarthy gradually abandoned every half-hearted intention to remain stalwart in refusing to cave to these young guns until they had secured victory on their every point of contention. Unused to seeing Republicans having actual spines and the willingness to engage in a street fight, the DC swamp was aghast that these conservative rebels were making a spectacle of themselves by making demands and holding up their cherished process until they got their way. On the plus side, McCarthy has emerged from the brawl acting and sounding like an actual conservative in a break with his past reputation of breaking his word to secure power.

This is due to the fact that the conservative rebels forced McCarthy to agree to a rule change that allows for a single House member to call for a vote to vacate the chair that overturned the past rule that a majority of members had to agree to seek such a motion. McCarthy’s feet are being held to the fire for the time being since it only takes an irate Matt Gaetz to call for a motion to vacate the chair to reignite the Speaker fight, but don’t expect McCarthy to remain true to his new conservative persona for long. As soon as he thinks everyone’s forgotten about the Speaker election and has come to accept him in that role, he’ll revert back to his old ways. The conservative House rebels must remain vigilant in keeping McCarthy somewhat conservative.

After these two failures to enact a change in RINO leadership, conservatives set their sights on removing loathsome RINO Ronna McDaniel from her perch atop the Republican National Committee. McDaniel has presided over three failed election cycles in a row, and her singular achievement has been to provide herself an extreme makeover at the expense of GOP donors. Granted, she looks much better now than she did prior to her expensive makeover, and it no doubt took that large an amount of money to transform her from a pudgy woman with a horse face to a thinner woman with heavy makeup and highlights hiding a horse face now dressed in much more expensive clothes.

After suffering under the abysmal failure of Popsicle fronting for Obama for two years, conservatives were chomping at the bit to retake Congress and put an end to Obama’s destruction of the country. Obama and his minions stole the election in a spectacularly gaudy fashion that no reasonable person can seriously dispute despite the refusal of corrupt judges to allow any judicial path forward that would review the mountains of evidence pointing to the overwhelming election fraud that took place. What did corrupt RINO Ronna McDaniel do to defend conservatives blatantly cheated at the polls? She handily fund raised off of the situation promising to defend election integrity, and then she slinked away in the night with raised funds in hand lifting nary a finger to challenge the fraudulent election results. To top it off, she tried to throw President Trump under the bus while refusing to defend him in the least.

Ever since Rick Santelli’s rant on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in February of 2009 launched the TEA Party, I have argued passionately that conservatives should abandon the corrupt GOP filled as it is with establishment RINOs who will never allow actual conservatives to threaten their grasp on the levers of power. The establishment roots run far too deep for upstart outsiders to ever effectively take control of the party and oust the establishment RINOs who continue to sell out the grass roots members at every turn.

The only real choice was always for conservatives to abandon the corrupt GOP to form the TEA Party as an actual electoral vehicle that not only espoused conservative values and principles, but also demonstrated their fidelity to conservatism with policies and legislation. Such a party dedicated to actual conservatism would have stood in stark contrast to the corruption of the RINO establishment which would have convinced conservative holdouts to come aboard in increasing numbers as the choice became clearer. Instead, the TEA Party conservatives who provided so much enthusiasm and hard work in the 2010 election cycle to retake the House were told to shut up and let the establishment govern as they installed Quisling Cryin’ John Boehner as House Speaker. As TEA Party enthusiasm waned in the interval, they became coopted as a frustrated GOP bloc until Donald Trump descended the escalator of Trump Tower in 2016 to reignite their passion and convert them into MAGA Nation.

The establishment leadership of the GOP has given the middle finger to the entire grass roots base of the party by retaining McConnell, McCarthy, and McDaniel in their leadership positions. What will it take for conservatives to realize that they will never gain control of the corrupt GOP and should abandon it in favor of forming their own party? Did the last decade teach conservatives anything? The establishment diluted their conservative fervor to the point where voters now can’t tell the difference between RINOs, TEA Party conservatives, and Democrat plants posing as Republicans among candidates on the GOP ticket.

I’m a proud member of the TEA Party. Who’s ready to finally admit that the corrupt GOP is beyond all hope and wants to join me in a party where establishment roots don’t even exist? Then let’s stop wasting time and get on with the business of retaking our country from the lunatic left and their corrupt RINO establishment enablers!

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