Chinese Cold War

In a blatant act of both aggression and nonchalance, China sent a balloon over the continental United States on a mission to gather intelligence at sensitive military bases while Popsicle casually blew the entire episode off until the balloon had completed its mission and was safely over the Atlantic before supposedly having it shot down.

China has made no secret of its desire to challenge the United States as the world’s lone superpower in numerous speeches, articles, and policies over the past several decades. China has expanded militarily to the edge of the South China Sea claiming disputed islands and constructing military bases on them to serve as forward outposts much as the Japanese did prior to World War II. China launched the Belt and Road Initiative to entrap impoverished nations in unsustainable debt cycles through the funding of ports and other infrastructure with false promises of economic returns that never materialized and left those nations gullible enough to fall for their con beholden to Chinese expansionist plans that saw China extend its reach across the globe. China lured American manufacturing to its shores long ago with cheap labor causing the US to become dependent upon China as its manufacturing base.

Along the way, China has looted American technology through manufacturing deals that force American companies to turn over their intellectual property to Chinese firms. These Chinese firms then turn over that intellectual property to the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) for use in advancing Chinese military capabilities. At first, American manufacturers willingly turned over their intellectual property to gain access to China’s cheap labor force, but eventually grew reluctant to do so as they realized that China was abusing access to create their own copies of goods as orders were filled and the manufacturing lines were left with nothing to do for the rest of the week. Some American companies have gone so far as to use Chinese companies to produce components that are destined for use in sensitive military systems to remain competitive in the bidding process for military contracts.

Back in the 1980s, China launched the Thousand Talents Program to send young Chinese abroad to American universities where they could obtain degrees in advanced subjects soaking up cutting-edge knowledge with access to sophisticated laboratory research which they could put to use back home when they returned. This program has successfully transformed China from a technology backwater into a leading technology powerhouse able to create its own leading universities and publish its own peer-reviewed articles on par with the West. China has overtaken the United States in many technological areas including military technologies that rival our ability to keep pace.

China has successfully used America’s penchant for tolerance and employment laws against us to plant individuals into sensitive positions at leading corporations and research facilities that have then passed their knowledge back to their handlers at home to advance China’s interests. Americans are reluctant to challenge suspicious behavior of these individuals for fear of being labeled xenophobic and intolerant in a climate of fear created by the left, thus allowing these individuals to carry on their nefarious assignments. China has even been able to insert individuals into some of America’s most sensitive weapons research laboratories such as Los Alamos which conducts classified nuclear weapons research. A large number of Chinese scientists whose careers span decades at Los Alamos have returned to China to provide their knowledge to the Chinese military and help found Chinese universities to pass their knowledge on to others working towards the Chinese goal to displace American preeminence in the world.

Conservatives have pointed out China’s ambitions at the detriment of the United States for decades only to be met with derision and denigrating accusations of being “conspiracy theorists.” American companies benefiting from cheap Chinese labor had zero interest in rocking the boat and even lobbied to have China declared as having permanent Most Favored Trade Nation status. China has been assisted along the way by globalist organizations such as Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF) wanting to reduce America’s influence over the globe to create a vacuum which they seek to fill.

Most Americans merely shrug their shoulders and go about their daily business seeing no direct connection between their access to cheap consumer goods and China’s effort to overtake and bury the United States as an effective challenger to their globalist ambitions. The few times that events have managed to break through the collective conscious of Americans involving the production of shoddy products such as Chinese drywall that erupted in black mold, or the production of Chinese dog food that killed pets, or the production of baby food that sickened American children, or the production of tainted Chinese toothpaste that sickened Americans, corrupt American politicians suddenly rallied to the cause to protect China’s interests by pretending to do something which amounted to nothing more than railing against China on C-Span and chastising China sternly with watered-down legislation that allowed for business as usual.

The lesson China has learned over the years is to work towards installing corrupt and thoroughly compromised politicians from both parties such as Mitch “The Turtle” McConnell and Popsicle into positions of power so they can pretty much do as they please. They own these politicians through years of graft and corruption, and they know from experience that these politicians will always carry China’s water.

The one man who instilled some measure of fear in China and caused them to lay low was President Trump. Trump enacted tariffs on Chinese goods and worked tirelessly to return American manufacturing onshore as he constantly highlighted the many dangers an ascendant China posed to American interests. Under Trump’s watch, Americans were made aware of Chinese Confucius Institutes operating at American universities to promote China’s interests and serve as recruiting centers under the benign auspices of offering Chinese language courses. As a result, most of these Chinese outposts were shut down as complaints from donors and others increased to the chagrin of university administrators.

Under Popsicle, China quickly reverted to its usual disdain for American sovereignty by opening numerous secret Chinese police stations in major American cities to coerce and control its citizens living abroad lest they become too enamored with the American lifestyle and seek to abandon the interests of their Chinese masters. These secret police stations also served as bases for Chinese intelligence to locate dissidents and facilitate their return to China by threatening their family members back home.

In a brazen display, it came to light recently that China had released a balloon set on a course to traverse the United States in close proximity to sensitive American military bases. This event would have remained a secret if not for its discovery by Chase Doak who filmed it hovering over a Montana military base and released the video, which went viral. The Popsicle administration was forced to admit its existence before entering spin mode to first claim it was no big deal, then falsely claim it had happened numerous times under President Trump, and finally claim they couldn’t shoot it down until it was back over the ocean in their usual lame pattern of denial, obfuscation, and misdirection.

China flew a spy platform attached to a balloon over America where it lingered over a Montana military base collecting information in a direct violation of American airspace, and Popsicle did absolutely nothing about it until opinion polls went seriously negative on him. China has absolutely no respect for Popsicle, his fraudulent administration, or his woke military. The lies and subversion coming from our fraudulent and corrupt leadership are stunning to the point that they have made Americans numb. At this rate, it’s only a matter of time before we face a Chinese Red Dawn in the form of economic destruction that will probably see us begging the Chinese for help. We are doomed!

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