Purging Popsicle

As their poll numbers continue to sink, the communist Democrats appear to be maneuvering to purge Popsicle and Cackling Jezebel to prevent them from dragging the other communist Democrats down with them in the upcoming election cycle.

Politicians from either party are basically the same in that they either want to continue holding the offices to which they’ve been elected or get elected to higher office. Either way, the result is the same in that they wish to remain in some elected office and will do what is necessary to accomplish that goal. To be fair, there is the occasional American elected to office with good intentions that doesn’t really care about the trappings of personal power but actually wants to accomplish some good. These Americans are a rare species indeed.

The power of polling persists despite the highly inaccurate record of pollsters over the past several election cycles. Crooked Hillary probably still smarts when thinking of the millions her campaign paid to pollsters confidently telling her that she was a shoo-in to win in 2016. Politicians still value polling to give them an indication of the mood of the electorate, and the polls are now indicating that Americans have soured on Senile Popsicle and Cackling Jezebel due to their disastrous performances in office.

The communist Democrats have neatly painted themselves into a corner as they face the predicament of dumping Popsicle due to his Afghanistan withdrawal debacle only to replace him with Cackling Jezebel who is even more useless and more hated by Americans. Their dilemma rests on coming up with a plan to dump both in one fell swoop while also preventing number three in line, Nancy Pelosi, from being elevated to the top of the communist Democrat pile. Nancy is universally despised by conservative Americans and serves as the lightning rod for conservative angst. Pelosi hails from a completely safe communist Democrat district that will reelect her regardless of her faults, but she enjoys no such safety on the national level.

It doesn’t help that the communist minions of the Democrat Party have become so bold in their assessment of America being ready to embrace communism that they no longer even hide their communism but display it proudly as they boast to hidden cameras to their detriment. Americans know full well the Democrat Party is the party of communism seeking to eliminate the Constitution and impose a communist totalitarian dictatorship upon the country antithetical to the ideas of America’s Founders. Each instance of another communist teacher aligned with antifa being exposed, such as Gabriel Gipe in Sacramento, only confirms what Americans already know all too well. Irate parents attending school board meetings run by petty tyrants forcing racist indoctrination on their kids also confirms these suspicions.

The communist Democrats are facing a reckoning in 2022 from angry Americans, and they know it. There are those Democrats who believe they can hold on to their seats given the makeup of their electorate, but not with the added drag of the inept Popsicle administration and the communist minions exposing themselves. They realize that embracing the communism of the far left will not fly in their districts and seek to distance their selves as much as possible.

West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin has walked this tightrope for several years. Manchin is a Democrat representing an increasingly conservative state who has managed to remain in office by convincing West Virginians that he is still an old school conservative Democrat representing working class values despite the rest of the party embracing communism. Manchin can’t afford to get anywhere near the communism of far left Democrats such as AOC and the Squad or West Virginians would boot him from office in a minute.

Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema is in the same boat as Manchin since she is a Democrat representing conservative red state Arizona by the slimmest of margins. Sinema managed to get elected due to the frustration Arizona voters had with the RINO leadership in their state in a politically opportune moment that only comes around rarely. Like Manchin, Sinema has refused to cave in to the immense pressure placed on her by the communist Democrats to end the filibuster and open the floodgates to enact the Democrats’ communist wish list. Sinema knows that doing so would signal the death knell of her political career in Arizona. She also knows that standing firm for her beliefs carries much more weight with voters these days than bowing to the pressure of communist Democrats representing districts much safer than hers.

Those Democrats who managed to hold onto their seats by the slimmest of margins in 2020 either did so through the massive cheating now coming to light, or because enough voters bought the media smear merchant Orange Man Bad propaganda to take a chance on Popsicle. These same Democrats also know that the Orange Man Bad effect won’t be there in 2022, nor will the massive cheating operation as states tighten their voting laws and concerned citizens continue to volunteer in droves as poll watchers. These Democrats are faced with convincing the folks back home that they aren’t communists like AOC, and that they aren’t stools of the failed Popsicle administration.

Americans are all too aware that the media smear merchants are nothing more than the propaganda arm of the communist Democrat Party pushing one lie after another to fool them into supporting the communist agenda. We have absolutely no faith in the fake polls offered up on a constant basis purporting to demonstrate that a majority of Americans support Popsicle’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, universal mask and vaccine mandates, an embrace of communism in America, support for the numerous cancel culture edicts, teaching of racist indoctrination to schoolchildren, belief that Popsicle won the election, or any of the other myriad topics with which the communist Democrats attempt to gaslight us.

So, it comes as a bit of a shock when the media smear merchants start touting polls showing Popsicle’s approval rating falling as his negatives increase. The first thought that comes to our skeptical minds is to deduce the motives behind such reports. After protecting Popsicle throughout the election to sell the massive electoral fraud that swept him into office, why would the media smear merchants suddenly start turning on him by releasing information damaging to his political standing?

First off, there is the horrendous debacle of the failed Afghanistan withdrawal that has been so shocking to Americans on every level as to be indefensible, even to the most biased of the media smear merchants. Not only did Popsicle and his woke generals vastly misinterpret the intelligence of Taliban strength, but it has now been revealed that they knew all along that the Taliban would sweep in to take over and were just gaslighting us. The State Department under the inept and dangerous leadership of Antony Blinken ran the entire shitshow withdrawal with the military relegated to a supporting role. The State Department ordered the military to refuse help to Americans stranded in Afghanistan leaving them to the Taliban to do as they wished. In addition, State knew minute details of the planned terrorist homicide bombing that unfolded to take the lives of 13 American servicemen, including having the terrorists lined up in the sights of a Predator drone that could have taken them out, yet they chose not to fire for fear of offending the Taliban. There is absolutely no defense of this shitshow that could be offered by anyone, and no one outside the corrupt Popsicle administration is daring to do so.

Then, there is the mean-spirited response by Popsicle that has so sickened Americans. Popsicle refuses to take any responsibility for the Afghanistan failure while attempting to shift blame onto Trump, those Americans trapped inside Afghanistan, or anyone else other than him or his administration. In doing so, he reveals his condescension at being questioned, and his utter contempt of Americans in his performance at the ceremony in which the bodies of the slain servicemen were returned to America. In contrast, President Trump offered words of consolation to the families of the slain soldiers demonstrating his compassion towards their loss. Popsicle trots out his dead son Beau for sympathy and makes it all about himself in another c’mon man moment.

Given the increasingly sinking poll numbers of popularity that was never there in the first place, along with the increasing number of stories being allowed to come to light indicating massive buyer’s remorse among voters that opted for Popsicle, it is easy for the cynical to get the message that the communist Democrats are looking to dump Popsicle but can’t figure out how to replace him with a viable alternative to Cackling Jezebel.

Perhaps their only option is to dump the entire sorry lot by revealing the massive electoral fraud that installed Popsicle into office in the first place. Returning Trump to his rightful place as president would rid the communist Democrats of the embarrassment of the unpopular Popsicle administration and allow them to start over with a better team, and it would allow the media smear merchants to restart their Trump hated machine to increase their ratings so they could raise their declining advertising rates.

There is no economic future in shilling for the corrupt communist Democrats as their audiences flee along with their advertisers. The media smear merchants realize they’ve tied themselves to a sinking ship and are heading for the lifeboats. As Popsicle continues to be the disaster he always has been, his poll numbers will continue to sink, Democrats will continue to abandon his initiatives, and voters will continue to abandon the communist Democrat Party. Financing is a finite resource, and there is a limit to the amount of money communist Democrat billionaires will continue pouring down the drain to keep the media smear merchants afloat as their advertisers flee to those outlets pulling in sizable audiences. Advertising relies on putting content in front of eyeballs, and if the eyeballs aren’t there, then neither will the advertisers be there.

Popsicle and Cackling Jezebel are radioactive toxic poison contaminating the entire communist Democrat Party and need to be disposed as soon as possible. The trick is in disposing of them as a package to allow enough time for voters to forget their toxicity before the next election cycle. The original plan to ease Popsicle out with the 25th Amendment due to his senility has run into the buzz saw of Cackling Jezebel’s utter uselessness and unpopularity that is even more of a drag on their electoral chances than Popsicle’s callous contemptuousness and thin-skinned penchant for disaster.

If the country could stand it, I would be tempted to say that the communist Democrats should be forced to own Popsicle and his history of being constantly wrong on every issue. Americans should get the full effect of the communist Democrat disaster that is unfolding so as to never again have any illusions about the communist Democrat platform or the evil it embodies. A look at the other countries forced to endure communism that have successfully thrown off its shackles reveals that these countries are the most dedicated to freedom and resistant to the evils of communism.

America’s position as the world’s lone superpower means that it can’t afford to endure such a catharsis and retain its superpower status. China lurks about licking its lips for the chance to depose America as the world’s lone superpower and subjugate us into servitude from which we might never escape. Popsicle’s demonstrated weakness on Afghanistan showed the world that America can’t be counted on as a protecting ally, and showed China that the time is ripe to challenge America’s power by retaking Taiwan through force. The ramifications may be such that America will never recover from this unforced error Popsicle has committed.

If the covert plan of the communist Democrats has been the destruction of America all along, then Popsicle’s decisions fit perfectly into such an assessment. America can’t afford to allow Popsicle to continue destroying the country and must purge him from office immediately. Cackling Jezebel has to be part of that purge package as she is even more inept, clueless, corrupt, and committed to the communist Democrat agenda as Popsicle. While we’re at it, we need to purge the many petty tyrants at every level of government drunk on their power to impose their tyrannical edicts in contradiction to the Constitution. Let the purging begin.

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