
The treacherous Popsicle administration, in all of its duplicitous glory, just abandoned Afghanistan, the numerous Afghanis who trusted the U.S. to have their backs, the American soldiers who fought and died there with honor, the allied countries that joined the fight trusting American leadership, and the American people who trusted their leaders to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution.

The Afghanistan withdrawal is a royal shit show owned entirely by the treacherous Popsicle administration, and there is no way round it. Popsicle is being revealed in all of his narcissistic self-absorption as the thin-skinned, mean-spirited political hack who’s been consistently wrong his entire political career. His lame attempts to deflect blame onto President Trump are so inept that even the Democrat media smear merchant propagandists are calling him out with tough questions instead of providing their usual propaganda coverage.

It is now clear that the State Department under Antony Blinken, a man so biased that John McCain called him out as too unqualified and dangerous to allow anywhere near the State Department back in 2012 when he was nominated by Obama to the post of Deputy Secretary of State, is entirely in charge of the Afghanistan debacle with the military only providing support per the State Department’s direction. The State Department under Blinken orchestrated this shit show abandoning Afghani allies, coalition allies, and Americans stranded in Afghanistan, while costing the lives of thirteen American soldiers in the process.

Popsicle’s hatred of President Trump was made evident on his first day as he signed numerous Executive Orders reversing Trump administration policies. His actions unraveled Trump policies that led to American energy independence, a thriving economic recovery, and a renewal of world respect and cooperation. This hatred extends to those Popsicle, or rather his handlers, selected to form his administration. Blinken is cut of the same hatred-of-Trump cloth as Popsicle, which is why he tossed Trump administration plans to conduct a carefully orchestrated withdrawal from Afghanistan in favor of the chaotic and deadly process Americans are watching unfold to their horror.

As Afghanistan burns, the Popsicle administration continues to fiddle with absurdist claims of white extremism being the top threat to the military, unscientific mask and vaccine mandates to counter the scamdemic fear, and woke social justice necessary to preserve America. These criminals have lost all touch with the reality the rest of us Americans are witnessing. With the Afghanistan debacle, Americans are realizing that our country is being run by crooks, thieves, and liars seeking to subjugate our freedom under their control.

There is no honor among these grifters destroying America right before our eyes. They care nothing for this country as evidenced by their constant whining about social justice and recognition of their white supremacy done in service to the quest for perpetual power. They seek to destroy America so they can obtain totalitarian control over us and remove America as the last great obstacle to their dream of a one-world government controlled by the wealthy elite.

When pressed on the complete failure of the humiliating Afghanistan withdrawal, Popsicle began lashing out with condescending statements that Americans should just get used to it demonstrating his cold indifference to the suffering caused by their chaotic bungling of the situation. Circle Back Psaki Hack took the week off while utterly useless Jezebel Harris jetted off to Vietnam to escape getting any shit on her hands, leaving senile old Popsicle staring slack-jawed into the cameras with his where-am-I look of feebleness plastered all over his face. Even education doctorate Jill escaped back to Delaware cognizant enough to know the shit show avalanche was headed downhill swallowing up everyone in its path.

The arrogant neocons of the George W. Bush administration conspired to transition the military effort to defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan in response to the Islamic terrorist attacks of 9/11 into an endless ill-fated nation-building exercise in a country known as the graveyard of empires. These supposedly learned men degreed from Ivy-League schools of prominence apparently never studied history or they would have recognized the hubris of their actions. Or, as is the most likely explanation, their historical knowledge provided them with the realization that Afghanistan would be the perfect place to launch an endless war that would benefit them and their friends forever.

In this, they cared nothing for the young Americans who would be fighting and dying in their endless war as long as they were benefiting financially. They also cared nothing for the American people who would have to suffer the humiliation and shame of the loss that would eventually be the outcome of their greed. Hey, a few deplorable Americans got killed, but they were probably Trump supporters anyway, and who cares? As Crooked Hillary once said, “What difference, at this point, does it make?” Applying the evil of secular humanism, as progressives are wont to do, they’ll just chalk it up to the ends justifying the means.

It is these same crooks, thieves, and liars who take to the airwaves to perpetuate real racism by demanding whites recognize their privilege in the name of social justice, invoke the tired old tear-jerker plea that “it’s for the children” when advocating for school mask mandates, and generally run America down as rotten to its core with systemic racism baked in from its founding, all while ignoring the real injustice and misery of the third-world.

American women don’t suffer genital mutilation, aren’t forced into arranged marriages, aren’t denied an education, aren’t dependent upon the express permission of a male guardian to do the things taken for granted in the western world, or raped and tortured because some man decided to rape them first, but third-world women such as those in Afghanistan under the Taliban are. The years of progress made in Afghanistan to provide an education to Afghani girls is all for nothing as the Taliban will punish those educated women once they get their hands on the school records that identify them.

Third-world immigrants to America can’t believe how disrespectful some Americans are toward America and how little these disrespectful Americans know about the conditions from which these immigrants fled. We don’t know real oppression and hardship and only conjure up faux oppression to undermine the country, but those in the third-world do as they live with it every day.

The Bush administration neocons made a terrible mistake in launching a nation-building effort in Afghanistan, but America spent twenty years of blood and treasure in the effort only to abandon it with a dishonorable and disastrous withdrawal in a huff of Trump hatred. Every stakeholder involved deserved a far better withdrawal than that handed to us by the traitors of the Popsicle administration. For all of its faults as the evil empire deservedly resting on the ash heap of history, the Soviet Union conducted a textbook withdrawal from Afghanistan in 1989 ensuring protection for its soldiers and Afghani allies. America, with the most powerful and best equipped military in history, could not manage to pull off the same feat. We rejoiced at watching the defeated Soviet army marching across the Friendship Bridge to Uzbekistan in 1989, but we now wish that our own withdrawal from Afghanistan were as coordinated and well-executed as that of the Soviets we once ridiculed.

Americans are right to demand that the Popsicle administration be held accountable for this humiliating shit show disaster costing American lives. There probably won’t be any administration firings or resignations, but there will be a definite reckoning in the next election cycle as Americans unleash their fury upon the evil leadership responsible for this debacle. This humiliating episode could well turn out to be the match that lights the fire of an irate electorate demanding those responsible be held accountable and that America shun the evil of communism being forced upon her by those on the left.

By abandoning Afghanistan and the Afghanis who allied with us, Popsicle has destroyed any chance that others will side with the U.S. in future conflicts. By abandoning the French, German, and British contingents allied with us in Afghanistan without prior warning, Popsicle has effectively destroyed NATO and the security it provided as the Europeans will never again trust America for its defense. By abandoning Afghanistan in such an abrupt and cold-hearted manner, Popsicle has signaled to China that Taiwan is theirs for the taking, and that Taiwan can’t count on America to defend it from Chinese aggression, nor can Japan or South Korea. In one stroke, Popsicle and his administration of evil Trump haters has undermined America as the world’s security force, and the effects of this will lead to loss of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency, a loss of our high standard of living, and eventual subjugation to China as the world’s lone superpower. Anyone doubting this merely has to study the history of fallen empires to reach the same conclusions.

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