Silence of the Conservatives

Reveling in all of their petulant totalitarian glory thinking that they’ve finally driven President Trump from power with their fraudulent election charade, the titans of Big Tech have finally indulged their longing desire to ban President Trump and the entire conservative movement from their platforms in a campaign to silence the conservatives.

We all saw it, though one side saw the truth and the other saw what it wanted to see. The evidence has slowly seeped out via conservative websites and spread through conservatives utilizing social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Big Media called it all a hoax from a disgruntled loser and his disgruntled followers, while Big Tech censored any mention of it as best they could. The Deep State refused to investigate the allegations despite reams of evidence collected, and the courts packed with Deep State jurists refused to hear the cases filed, which allowed Big Media to further claim that no evidence was ever presented. It was a vicious self-fulfilling circle whereby the courts refused to hear the evidence while the media sycophants were then allowed to claim no evidence was presented.

Americans know in their hearts that the 2020 election was stolen by the Democrats, and they will never accept Basement Biden as their president. We saw the vote totals in the disputed swing states change several times on election night. We saw the counting halted in these states as if on cue. We went to bed with President Trump comfortably leading in all of these swing states only to awaken the next morning to the news that he had lost in all of these swing states. We saw the evidence of massive early morning ballot dumps almost exclusively for China Joe with no corresponding down ballot votes. Attorneys Sidney Powell and Lin Wood presented reams of evidence they had collected to various corrupt courts while informing conservatives of this evidence over their social media accounts. President Trump’s personal attorneys, led by Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis, also collected reams of evidence that the corrupt courts also refused to hear while also informing Americans of its existence over social media.

The tech overlords controlling these social media platforms didn’t dare shut down these and other conservatives using their forums prior to now for fear of a massive backlash lest the fraud be investigated and the cover up fail. They were reduced to attaching labels to the content of these conservatives in an attempt to cast doubt on the veracity of the information provided to sow as much discord as possible. Now that the conspirators have neatly boxed in President Trump so that he has exhausted all avenues to expose and thwart the coup which has been allowed to succeed, these tech overlords have thrown caution to the wind to purge their platforms of conservatives and silence their dissent to the best of their ability.

President Trump, along with a plethora of other conservative followers, was unceremoniously banned from Twitter and had his Facebook page removed last night. This Friday Night Massacre included thousands of Trump’s most ardent supporters as their accounts were suspended and removed. Many of these conservatives made their living producing conservative content for subscribers and providing valuable digital real estate for lucrative advertising revenue. Their tireless efforts were successful in making Americans aware of the election fraud that took place and disseminating the evidence collected. The tech overlords sweated profusely with the fear that the efforts of these conservatives would reach enough Americans to cause their treasonous criminal conspiracy to ultimately fail, but they succeeded by the thinnest of margins.

With Biden set to be inaugurated and nothing holding them back any longer, the tech overlords were finally able to remove these pesky conservative dissenters so that the tech overlords never have to experience again the fear they’ve felt over the past few weeks as they nervously watched their coup unfold. Thousands of conservatives who have spent years producing content to build a digital following large enough to support them and their families saw their ability to promote their websites and content shut down in the blink of an eye. They are now in shock wondering what they are going to do going forward. Thousands of them attempted to move over to conservative social media alternatives such as Parler and MeWe only to see the influx crash these websites. They will continue to abandon the censored platforms of Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter while millions of their followers will do the same.

America has a long tradition of free speech ingrained in its DNA beginning with the inability of the colonists to freely express their disdain towards their British masters. Great Britain was determined to extract as much wealth from the American colonies as possible leaving the colonists with barely enough to survive. American ingenuity kicked in when the colonists sought to redress this inequality though various free enterprise decisions that removed British oversight in their internal affairs to the greatest extent possible. As Britain tightened its grip on the colonies, the colonists were provoked to greater resistance until they were left with the option of revolution as their last resort. This didn’t turn out well for the British. After a bloody war and several years of confederacy, the colonies formed the United States of America with the Constitution as its foundational document. Freedom of speech was enshrined in the First Amendment of the Constitution as its importance was recognized as one of the cornerstones of a republic to be governed by the people for the people.

For these reasons, censorship has always grated on the nerves of Americans taught that the right to speak their mind without fear of government sanction was necessary to prevent tyrants from abusing their liberty. We’ve witnessed the tech tyrants arise from humble origins seeking only to better serve the nascent Internet community with improved search results, online shopping experiences, and digital communities. As their power has grown, so too has grown their ambition and their power to gargantuan proportions. They’ve worked tirelessly to create a seamless, user- friendly experience across multiple platforms to first lure users onto their platforms and slowly entrap them with the marketing tactic of creating an enormous switching cost after they’ve grown used to using their products. Now that Americans have been lured into the complacency of becoming reliant on these digital platforms to be informed, to remain connected with their friends and family, and even for their livelihood, the tech overlords have suddenly snatched away their ability to engage with the digital world.

Past digital battles over net neutrality and Internet access are suddenly meaningless once one no longer has the ability to utilize the social media platforms central to the digital experience. Sure, one can endure the laborious process of creating their own platform, but the real advantage enjoyed by the tech behemoths such as Facebook and Twitter is the immense user community already drawn to these platforms. What good would it do to create your own digital community website as an alternative to Facebook or your own digital conversation website as an alternative to Twitter if you don’t have anyone to engage?

Even if you were a tech nerd and created your own digital platform, you would face the fact that Facebook and Twitter are provided for free to their users, thus depriving you of the ability to charge for your efforts in the competitive marketplace. These Big Tech platforms make some of their money through selling upgraded services, but the vast majority of their revenues come from advertising and selling access to the reams of precise data they constantly collect on their users. In marketing, advertisers are constantly trying to acquire ever more focused consumer data to aid their marketing campaigns and provide insight into product development so they can better predict were the market is trending. The reason these tech companies could entice investors to fund them as startups was the lure of eventually growing so large that they could provide this precisely focused marketing data which investors knew would be immensely valuable. Now that the marketers have access to this data, they no longer need to fund additional tech company startups to compete with these established platforms. They are reaping the profits from their initial investments.

Those who succumbed to the temptation of adopting Apple components as their standard digital toolset for its intuitive ease of use and seamless experience across its line of products are now faced with the fact that they are beholden to Apple and its app store for access to digital applications they wish to use on their iPhones. Last night, Apple announced that the Parler app would no longer be offered in the Apple app store, while Google followed suit by also banning the Parler app from its digital store. They provided the usual bull$hit excuse that Parler lacked the controls necessary to police its content and prevent dangerous misinformation from being disseminated through its platform. We conservatives have long since come to recognize this line to mean the ability to censor its content. So, since they can’t censor Parler users, they decided to flex their control of the iPhone and Android platforms to censor the Parler app itself. They did so immediately after their tech overlord comrades banned President Trump from their social media platforms prompting Trump to respond by announcing his move to Parler.

Having dismissed President Trump so unceremoniously, they continued reveling in their abandon by disposing of the thousands of conservatives who so successfully disseminated evidence of the election fraud and lefty hypocrisy over the years. No longer are these conservatives to be thorns in their side to be tolerated in fear of risking the wrath of President Trump and government oversight. Their cherished Section 230 protection might be withdrawn leaving them at the mercy of the courts as conservatives sued over their treatment at the hands of these tyrannical censors. Once again, President Trump has managed to unmistakably expose yet another facet of lefty hypocrisy to Americans already aware of the treachery of the fake news Big Media and the corrupt Deep State government bureaucracy.

It’s Saturday morning and our country lies in tatters. We realize that the faint voice we recovered through President Trump is about to be extinguished through the corruption of a vast Deep State which only grows larger in scope and depth as their evil machinations unfold. Our one cherished ability to choose our government leaders has been extinguished through the vast corruption of election fraud perpetrated through compromised Dominion voting machines controlled by the Deep State on multiple levels. The Dark Ages are once again upon us leaving us at the mercy of the wealthy and powerful with no protection other than that provided by God. The silence of the conservatives is deafening this morning, but American ingenuity will find a way. It remains to be seen what that way will resemble and the extent of the struggle ahead, but we can expect it to be long and arduous.

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